
  • 网络Conservative Party of Canada
  1. 加拿大保守党

    Conservative Party of Canada

  2. 2003年,加拿大联合党与加拿大改革保守党合并后的加拿大保守党被正常承认。

    2003-The Conservative Party of Canada is officially recognized after the merger of the Canadian Alliance and Progressive Conservative Party of Canada .

  3. 第二部分,当代加拿大保守党分裂的原因分析。

    In section 2 , I elaborated on the cause of the Contemporary Conservative Party ' splitting .

  4. 布莱尔领导的新工党实行的是既不同于传统工党,又不同于1979年上台的保守党的第三条道路政策。加拿大保守党的分裂是近年来加拿大政治生活中的一件大事。

    Hie labor party under Blair is different from not only the old labor party but also the conservative party .

  5. 同是周二,加拿大保守党总部收到了一个邮包,里面装着一只砍下的脚。这起(令人毛骨悚然的)案件由此开始。

    The case began Tuesday , when a package containing a severed foot was opened at the ruling Conservative Party headquarters .

  6. 中间偏右的加拿大保守党自2006年上台后,明确表态不会遵守加拿大对于《京都议定书》所作的承诺。

    The right-of-center Conservatives took power in 2006 and made it clear they would not stick to Canada 's Kyoto commitments .

  7. 通过在全球事务中所起的作用,加拿大保守党政府将会帮助让世界变得更加美好。

    By taking a leadership role in global affairs , our Conservative government is helping to make the world a better place .

  8. 加拿大保守党少数政府已经失去了在议会不信任投票,此举将引发七年第四次联邦大选。

    The Conservative minority government in Canada has lost a no-confidence vote in parliament , a move that will trigger the fourth federal election in seven years .

  9. 加拿大保守党去年执政时,该国人民对史蒂芬哈勃的外交政策还知之甚少,因为此前他并未明示。

    CANADIANS knew little about Stephen Harper 's foreign policy when his Conservative government took office last year , for the simple reason that he had not articulated one .

  10. 鉴于加拿大保守党政府的作为,国际货币基金组织预测,2009年在世界经济大国中加拿大的经济下滑将会最小;

    The International Monetary Fund projects that , as a result of our Conservative government 's actions , Canada 's economy will experience the smallest decline of advanced economies in2009 .

  11. 但行业领袖一致认为,加拿大的保守党政府必须澄清什么是“净效益”根据《加拿大投资法》(investmentcanadaact),外国投资者必须证明自己能够带来净效益。

    But business leaders agree that the conservative government needs to clarify the definition of " net benefit " that foreign investors are required to demonstrate under the Investment Canada Act .

  12. 加拿大进步保守党

    The Progressive Conservative Party of Canada

  13. 加拿大一位保守党参议员说海狸已经过时了,而且它的牙齿令人讨厌。

    A Canadian Conservative senator says the beaver is an outdated symbol and a dentally defective nuisance .