
  • 网络gagarin;Yuri Gagarin;yuri alekseyevich gagarin
  1. 苏联宇航员,加加林成了太空第一人。

    And a Soviet cosmonaut , Yuri Gagarin , was the first man in space .

  2. 而这恰恰就是苏联1961年将加加林送上天所已经做的。

    That 's almost exactly what the Soviets accomplished when they put Yuri Gagarin in space in1961 .

  3. 这架飞船在前苏联宇航员加加林(Gagarin)1961年首次宇宙飞行的三年后被设计出来。

    This thing was designed three years after Gagarin first flew in space in 1961 .

  4. 最后这个无赖的家伙顺从了普遍利益,但是他的惆怅暗示着,就算在铁幕的那一边,对太空的梦想一方面由加加林的胜利所塑造,另一方面也受到大卫·鲍伊(DavidBowie)的《太空怪人》(SpaceOddity)影响。

    The rogue is tamed for the common good in the end , but his wistfulness hints that even behind the Iron Curtain , space dreams had become as defined by David Bowie 's " Space Oddity " as by the Gagarin triumph .

  5. 尤利。加加林是第一个飞上太空的人。

    Yuri Gargarin was the first man in space on April12th , 1961 .

  6. 加加林遇难之谜

    The Riddle of Gagarin Death

  7. 然后我们在加加林之后几周让艾伦·谢巴德太空飞行,不是在几个月或几十年之后,或不管多长时间。

    And then we flew Alan Shepherd weeks after Gagarin , not months or decades , or whatever .

  8. 太空旅行�尢里,加加林是世界上第一个太空人,1961年4月他曾在人造卫星中环绕地球轨道而行。

    Yuri Ggarin , the world 's first astronaut , orbited the earth in an artificial satellite on April 121961 .

  9. 自从加加林50年前历史性的太空之旅后,已有大约500名宇航员进行过太空探索。

    Since Gagarin 's epic journey into the unknown 50 years ago , some 500 people have followed him into space .

  10. 我们祝贺俄罗斯政府和人民庆祝尤里?加加林进入太空50周年,此举开启了科技发展的一个新时代。

    We congratulate the Russian people and government upon the50th anniversary of the flight of Yury Gagarin into the space , which ushered in a new era in development of science and technology .

  11. 在最初的那一年,从加加林和和几周后阿兰·谢巴德进入太空开始,世界上有五次人造飞船航行;在最初的那一年。

    The very first year , starting when Gagarin went in space , and a few weeks later Alan Shepherd , there were five manned space flights in the world -- the very first year .

  12. 他在随后接受伦敦广播公司采访时,将自己描述成“绳索上的加加林”。前苏联宇航员加加林是人类进入太空第一人。

    Speaking later to London radio station LBC , he described himself as " the Yuri Gagarin of the zipwire , " in reference to the Soviet cosmonaut who was the first person to venture into outer space .

  13. 列昂诺夫引述登月第一人、美国宇航员尼尔˙阿姆斯特朗称赞加加林的话说:他把人类领进了太空。当时列昂诺夫正坐在克林姆林宫的大厅里,大厅中挂满了世界上最可爱的太空图标。

    " He invited us all into space ," Leonov told at Kremlin hall filled with some of the world 's most well-loved space icons , citing a tribute from the first man on the moon , US astronaut Neil Armstrong , to Gagarin .