
zī rùn
  • moist;nourish;moisten;moisturize
滋润 [zī rùn]
  • [moist] 湿润,不干燥

  • 滋润的土地

  • (1) [nourish]∶用食物或营养品供应

  • 喝杯可乐滋润一下

  • (2) [moisten]∶浸润;使湿润

  • 雨露滋润禾苗壮

滋润[zī rùn]
  1. B)的确,很多动物都会流泪,尤其是感到疼痛时。泪水可以保持眼部滋润,以保护眼睛。但是,将哭泣作为表达情感的方式是人类独有的,它在人类进化和人类文化发展方面起着至关重要的作用。

    It 's true that many animals shed tears , especially in response to pain . Tears protect the eye by keeping it moist . But crying as an expression of feeling is unique to humans and has played an essential role in human evolution and the development of human cultures . C )

  2. 这样才能滋润有效地实现明亮水灵的肌肤状态。

    Such ability moist effectively achieve the bright watery skin condition .

  3. 躺下来尽情享受精油的滋润。

    Lie back and luxuriate in the scented oil

  4. 这种护肤霜兼具滋润和修复功能。

    This cream moisturises and repairs in one .

  5. 首要的治疗方法就是通过定期滋润来帮助受到影响的皮肤。

    The first line of treatment is to help the affected skin by moisturising it regularly .

  6. 如果你皮肤比较干燥,就得多涂些滋润保湿滋润

    If your skin is dry , you have to slather on moisturiser to soften it .

  7. 雨露滋润禾苗壮。

    Moistened by rain and dew , young crops grow strong .

  8. 你这小日子过得可够滋润的啊。

    You are living a really comfortable life !

  9. 没有谁会在一个环境阴郁、工作人员不负责任并且安全纪录不佳的地方(护理机构)生活得很滋润。

    Nobody flourishes in a gloomy environment with irresponsible staff and a poor safety record .

  10. 含有荷荷巴油及牛油果油之丰富滋润成分

    Contains rich emollients found in jojoba oil and avocado oil .

  11. 扔下的手杖,被他的尸体所化成的养料滋润,竟然开花结果,长成一片连绵千里的桃林。

    The walking stick thrown down by him , being nurtured3 by the nourishment4 converted from his dead body , unexpectedly bloomed and fructified5 , and it grew into peach woods , which stretched for thousands of miles .

  12. 池花籽油和牛油果油都富含超级滋润的脂肪酸和维生素E。

    Meadowfoam seed oil and avocado oil are rich in super moisturizing fatty acids and vitamin E.

  13. 野莓乳木果花蕾膏掺杂着浓郁的怀旧气息,混合了野莓、香草、蜂蜜的香甜,乳木果、维他命E的滋润。

    " Brambleberry Rose Lip Balm " is a nostalgic blend of wild berry flavors with overtones of honey and vanilla and moisturized with Shea Butter and Vitamin E.

  14. 美国中西地区的农民希望飓风isaac的余波能滋润他们的农田,但不要太过强烈。

    Farmers in the Midwest are hoping the remnants of Hurricane Isaac hit them but not too hard .

  15. 摄入Omega-3脂肪酸,可以从内到外滋润肌肤。

    Get Omega-3 fatty acids , which hydrate and moisturize skin from the inside .

  16. 吡咯烷酮酸钠被认为是一种天然形成的滋润因素(NMF)。

    Sodium PCA is thought to be a kind of natural moisturizing factor ( NMF ) .

  17. 然后用眼霜、滋润霜和BB霜(白天用)或睡眠面膜,最后用喷雾定妆。

    An eye cream , plus moisturizer , and BB cream ( for day ) or an overnight sleep mask are applied next and all sealed with a mist .

  18. Argan油和酵母多糖同时能营养滋润肌肤,增强肌肤能量;

    Argan oil and zymosan can nourish and moisten your skin and improve skin power at the same time ;

  19. 而另外一些,比如点评网站Yelp、旅游网站TripAdvisor、流媒体音乐网站Pandora和订餐平台OpenTable,却在2013年闷声发大财,日子过得颇为滋润。

    But others , like yelp ( yelp ) , TripAdvisor ( trip ) , Pandora ( P ) , and OpenTable ( open ) , are without much fanfare having a great year in 2013 .

  20. 用我这瓶Pacifica的托斯卡尼红橙身体乳液,我将滋润所有我肌肤上干燥的地方,像是手肘、膝盖、脚、手和几乎我身体剩下的部位,因为它真的很干。

    Using here my Pacifica Tuscan Blood Orange body butter , I am going to moisturize all the dry areas on my skin , like elbows , knees , feet , hands and pretty much the rest of my body cause its really dry .

  21. Spa这个词来源于比利时一个叫spa的小镇,这个小镇在罗马时代就存在了,当时叫做AquaeSpadanae,有时也被误当作拉丁文的spargere,即“抛洒、滋润”的意思。

    The term is derived from the name of the town of Spa , Belgium , whose name is known back to Roman times , when the location was called Aquae Spadanae , sometimes incorrectly connected to the Latin word " spargere " meaning to scatter , sprinkle or moisten . It had springs of waters with reputed healing properties .

  22. 我们设想,正是这些尘土滋润着雨林。

    And it 's assumed that the dust fertilizes the rainforest .

  23. 岫玉象棋,棋子滋润光洁,手感极佳。

    Jade chess , the pieces silken finish and feel good .

  24. 它们滋润了骑士,他越发强大了。

    They 're feeding the horseman and he 's getting stronger .

  25. 使用之后,涂抹脚乳霜,能使脚部肌肤更加滋润。

    After use , apply foot milk cream to moisturize foot skin .

  26. 做个冬季滋润美人尼采:为了重新赢得变易的清白

    Keeps moisture in winter Niestzsche : For Regaining the Innocence of Becoming

  27. 而且我们的眼影还可以滋润皮肤。

    And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin .

  28. 只需定期滋润它们使它们看起来柔软光滑。

    Simply moisturize them regularly to make them appear soft and smooth .

  29. 但在市场上升期,人人都能看起来很滋润。

    But anyone can look good in a rising market .

  30. 这些士兵乞求水以滋润干渴的喉咙。

    These tired soldiers begged for water to soothe their burning throat .