
rè lèi
  • hot tears;tears of joy, sorrow or gratitude
热泪 [rè lèi]
  • [warm tears] 因十分兴奋、激动或感伤而流的眼泪

  • 热泪沾襟独徘徊

  1. 他感觉到热泪掉到他的手指上。

    He felt hot tears dropping onto his fingers

  2. 我这辈子一直带着:"亲爱的,你的篮子很特别,"妈妈说,轻轻地擦去我的热泪。

    I 've taken with me through my life : " Honey , Your basket is extra-special , " Mom said , gently wiping away my hot tears .

  3. 昨晚我们看的那场电影是部赚人热泪的电影。

    The movie we saw last night was a tear jerker .

  4. 热泪一滴滴从她脸颊上滚下来

    The tears trickled down her cheeks .

  5. 我的心把她的波浪在世界的海岸上冲激着,以热泪在上边写着她的题记:“我爱你。”

    My heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words , " I love thee . "

  6. 女排获胜后,姑娘们流下了高兴的热泪。

    The girls wept with joy after their volleyball team won .

  7. 他们眼中热泪表明了他们对领袖的热爱。

    The tears in their eyes showed their love to their leaders .

  8. 他感到热泪夺眶而出,流满双颊。

    He felt hot tears well up and run down his cheeks .

  9. 她是我从未拥有过的母亲,温弗瑞眼含热泪地说。

    She is the mother I never had , Winfrey tearfully says .

  10. ::比利:还有很多《亲爱的艾比》里赚人热泪的故事……嘿!

    And lots of " Dear Abby " sob stories ...

  11. 看了那部动人的电影后,她被感动得流下了热泪。

    After seeing the moving film , she was greatly moved to tears .

  12. 因为你的热泪会烫着我的双颊。

    Because thy tears fall hot upon my cheek .

  13. 大滴泪珠在她眼中聚集,热泪滚下脸颊。

    Large tears gathered in her eyes and broke hot across her cheeks .

  14. 年年此日,他们将痛洒热泪。

    On its annual return they will shed tears .

  15. 还有很多《亲爱的艾比》里赚人热泪的故事

    And lots of " Dear Abby " sob stories

  16. 我眼含热泪低语。

    I whispered , with tears in my eyes .

  17. 现在用您的热泪诅咒我,祝福我吧.我求您

    Curse , bless me now with your fierce tears , I pray .

  18. 哦,站起来,快站到窗前,你滚烫的热泪开始流滴;

    O stand , stand at the window as the tears scald and start ;

  19. 我最易受这种情形的打动,于是热泪滚滚。

    I 'm a sucker for this kind of thing and the tears rolled .

  20. 请用您的热泪诅咒、祝福我,我祈愿。

    Curse , bless , me now with your fierce tears , I pray .

  21. 至此,父亲热泪满眶。

    And tears began to fill his eyes .

  22. 热泪涌上了眼眶。

    Tears welled up in the eyes .

  23. 每当看到或听到他们的事迹,我总会涌出热泪。

    See every time or hear their achievement , I always can flush hot tear .

  24. 于是小格尔达流出许多热泪。

    Then little Gerda shed burning tears ;

  25. 只因我当时年幼无知,换来如今的热泪满盈。

    But I was young and foolish , and now I 'm full of tears .

  26. 当牧师眼含热泪读完便条,他立刻明白他该做什么。

    When the pastor tearfully read that note , he knew instantly what he would do .

  27. “那全是过去的事了,”恺说着,她热泪横流。

    " It was all over with ," Kay said , tears springing into her eyes .

  28. 贝基把发抖的包袱的抱进怀中时热泪滴在了幼崽的毛毛上。

    Hot tears spilled on baby fur as Becky gathered the trembling bundle in her arms .

  29. 克罗斯戴着一个呼吸器,只能用热泪作为回应。

    Cross , on a respirator , responded the only way he could & with tears .

  30. 她顿时热泪满面。怎么?

    She was moved to tears .