
  1. 我爱的人是柯南,不是工藤新一。

    The man I love , is Conan , not Shinichi Kudou .

  2. 他是日本动漫《名侦探柯南》的主人公。他叫工藤新一,17岁,是一名高中生侦探。

    The leading character in Japanese manga and anime Detective Conan was originally 17-year-old high school student detective Shinichi Kudo .

  3. 侦探柯南由青山刚昌创作,讲述了17岁的侦探工藤新一的历险故事,他在调查一宗非法交易时被变成了一个小孩子。

    Detective Conan , written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama , follows the adventures of Kudo Shinichi , a17-year-old detective who is transformed into a child while investigating an illegal trade .

  4. 二十年了,《名侦探柯南》的粉丝已经在这个小男孩的陪伴下长成大人,而我们却宁可他不要变回工藤新一的模样,只为这部动漫能播得更久一些。

    For two decades , fans of Detective Conan have grown up with the little boy , and we 'd rather postpone the reunion with Shinichi to let the anime last a bit longer .