
  1. 珠江三角洲工业地域分工研究

    The spatial division of industrial activities in the Pearl River Delta

  2. 日本工业地域的城市生成力与类型

    Industry formative dint and type of the cities in Japanese industrial region

  3. 非洲铜带铜钴工业地域综合体初步研究

    A study on the copper-cobalt industrial territorial complexes in the Copperbelt of Africa

  4. 利比亚锡尔特盆地石油工业地域体系的形成

    Formation of the regional systems of the oil industries in the Sirte basin of Libya

  5. 本文以濑户内工业地域为对象,对其1960年至2002年之间的产业结构进行研究探讨。

    This paper concentrates on the industrial construction changes of Seto-Uchi Industrial district from 1960 to 2002 .

  6. 日本电子信息产业概览珠江三角洲东部电子信息产业城市群的工业地域分析

    The Industrial Region Analysis of Electronic Information Industrial City Group in the East of the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong Province

  7. 2阐明锡尔特盆地石油工业地域体系形成的地理条件;

    To find out the main geographical factors affecting the formation of the regional systems of the oil industries in the Basin ;

  8. 因此,现在的濑户内工业地域是以基础材料型产业和加工装配型产业为主结构的丰富多样的重叠式的产业结构。

    So , the industrial construction in Seto-Uchi district is complex , which mainly builds up by the basic material and processing assembly industry .

  9. 本文的主要目的在于:1探讨锡尔特盆地石油工业地域体系的特点和地域组合型式;

    The main objectives of this paper are as follows : 1.To discuss the essential characteristics and the regional combination forms of the regional systems of the oil industries in the Sirte Basin ;

  10. 20世纪初,东北地区一度发展成为我国最早的重化工业地域,同时城市化的水平位于全国前列。

    At the beginning of the 20th century , the Northeast China develops into the earliest region of heavy chemical industry of our country for a time , at the same time , the level of the urbanization lies in the national front row .

  11. 江苏省工业科技地域行业“八五”规划模型研究

    A Linear Programming Model for Industrial Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province

  12. 江苏省工业经济地域行业八五规划研究

    Study of Regional Industrial Economic Pinning of Jiangsu Province

  13. 根据中国宏观经济要求对特定的工业和地域性行业进行具体的限额分配。

    Allocate special quotas to certain industrial and geographical sectors , which are in line with China 's macro-economic requirements .

  14. 数量占最大多数的手工业工人地域分布相对分散,不仅工作时间长,工资也相对低些。

    Handicraft workers ' geographical distribution is relatively dispersed , not only the long working hours , wages are relatively low .

  15. 重大工业隐患的地域监控体系研究

    Regional Monitor and Control System for Major Hidden Dangers in Industry

  16. 论工业区的地域结构与地域类型

    On the terrestrial structure and type of industrial regions

  17. 在城市发展中,形成了一种以产业发展为主要职能的开发区和各类工业园区的地域类型,即产业先导型新城。

    The regional types of the developmental zone and various types of industrial areas are formed in the process of the urban development , which the industrial developments are the main functions , that is , new industry-precursor city .

  18. 依据工业集聚率和地域工资水平,可将日本的工业集聚地划分为A、B、C、D4大类。

    According to the industrial conglomeration rate and wage level , the industrial conglomerate regions are divided into four groups marked A , B , C and D.

  19. 清末至民国赣西北地区手工业的发展与地域社会

    The Development of Handicraft Industry and Regional Society in Northwestern Jiangxi in Late Qing Dynasty and Republic of China

  20. 辽中城市群作为东北老工业基地的核心地域,目前正处于经济转型的关键阶段。

    Central Liaoning urban agglomeration as the core region of Northeast Old Industrial Base , is on the critical stage of economic transformation process presently .

  21. 3探讨主导工业部门的联动作用在石油工业地域体系形成过程中的科学和实践意义。

    To approach theoretical and practical significance of the linkages of the Leading industrial departments in the formation of the regional systems of the oil industries .

  22. 日本战后的工业政策和开发政策,给其工业地域开发建设造成了巨大影响。

    After the Second World War , it is a big effect on the Japanese industrial district by the industrial and development policy of Japan .

  23. 工业郊区化有效地推动了杭州城市工业地域结构向更为合理的方向演化。

    The decentralization of the urban industry has driven this city more optimized spatial structure .