
  • 网络public offers of shares
  1. 首次公开发行股票(IPO)定价模型的评析

    The Pricing Model Analysis of the Initial Public Offering

  2. 这家公司星期二首次公开发行股票(IPO),其目标是募集5亿美元以上的资金。

    Its initial public offering , or IPO , opened Tuesday , aiming to raise more than $ 500 million .

  3. 在首次公开发行股票(InitialPublicOffering,简称IPO)的过程中,大部分公司都存在着巨大的首日收益率,这种现象被称为IPO抑价。

    In the initial public offering process , most companies have a huge return on the first day , this phenomenon is known as IPO underpricing .

  4. 上市公司首次公开发行股票(IPO)是指准备公开上市的股份有限公司通过社会融资扩大股东股权范围和增加社会公众持股比例。

    Initial public offerings of listed companies is an important way for a Company Limited to expand the scope of shareholders ' equity into public ownership .

  5. 考虑IPO的非上市公司还应该知道,和公开发行股票相联系的其他需要披露的资料。

    A private company considering an IPO should also be aware of other disclosure which it will be required to make in connection with a public stock offering .

  6. 然而自从以每股38美元的价格公开发行股票以来,Facebook的股价已经下跌了29%。上周五,Facebook在纳斯达克市场(NasdaqStockMarket)的收盘价为每股27.10美元,公司的市值也下降到了731.7亿美元。

    Yet Facebook 's shares are off 29 % since they priced at $ 38 ending at $ 27.10 on the Nasdaq Stock Market at 4 p.m. Friday and the company 's market capitalization has sunk to $ 73.17 billion .

  7. 尽管如此,据Money报道,Facebook公司自IPO(即首次公开发行股票)以来,仅用两年时间就越过了2000亿美元门槛,速度快于谷歌、微软和苹果,公司的价值也超过了IBM、英特尔和甲骨文等传统高科技企业。

    Still , Facebook reached the $ 200 billion mark in just two years since its initial public offering , faster than Google , Microsoft and Apple , according to Money . It 's also surpassed the value of legacy tech companies like IBM , Intel and Oracle .

  8. 运用1999-2003年来自上海证券交易所的267只A股首次公开发行股票(IPOs)数据实证考察了Rock模型。与Rock(1986)的逆向选择理论一致,中签率与初始收益负相关。

    We examine empirically Rock 's ( 1986 ) theory using data of 267 A-share initial public offerings ( IPOs ) in Shanghai from January 1,1999 through December 31, 2003.Consistent with Rock 's ( 1986 ) theory of adverse selection , the allocation rate was negatively related to initial return .

  9. 散户的投资份额占了全球公开发行股票的15%。

    The retail tranche accounts for 15 per cent of the global offering .

  10. 指在首次发行之后的再次公开发行股票。

    This refers to a public offering subsequent to an initial public offering .

  11. 如今,许多中小企业融资的重要手段是通过首次公开发行股票上市来筹资。

    Initial public offering ( IPO ) is important measure for SME finance today .

  12. 一些新的硅谷互联网百万富翁在最近的首次公开发行股票变现。

    Some new dot-com millionaires in Silicon Valley cashed in on their latest IPO .

  13. 首次公开发行股票的审计收费研究&来自我国证券市场的证据

    An Empirical Research on IPO Audit Fees in China & Evidence from China Stock Markets

  14. 首次公开发行股票首次向社会公开发行股票募集资金。

    The offering of a company 's stock to the public for the first time .

  15. 中国证券市场首次公开发行股票(A股)的短期价格行为研究

    Study of Short-run Price Behavior for the Initial Public Offerings ( A-Share ) in China 's Securities Market

  16. 会计公司普华永道说,仅仅在香港,今年的首次公开发行股票就能够募集到大约120亿美元的资金。

    The accounting firm , PricewaterhouseCoopers says some $ 12 billion could be raised in IPOs in Hong Kong alone this year .

  17. 本章的创新之处在于结合刚刚颁布的《首次公开发行股票并在创业板上市管理暂行办法》进行论述。

    The new in this chapter is it combines the background of the issue of the provisional Approach of the IPO and listing management .

  18. 2007年9月,它以按比例缩减发行量的方式再次尝试公开发行股票,但因遭遇金融危机而再次搁浅。

    The company tried again in September 2007 with a scaled-back stock offering , but withdrew the plan that year as the financial crisis unraveled .

  19. 指在首次发行之后的再次公开发行股票。1972年-公司股票在那斯达克市场公开发行上市。

    This refers to a public offering subsequent to an initial public offering . First public stock offering , traded on the NASDAQ Stock Market .

  20. 从前一次公开发行股票到本次申请期间没有重大违法行为;

    There shall have been no serious illegal activities during the period from the preceding public issuance of shares to the subject application ; and .

  21. 私人募集是指公司向私人投资者发售公司股份,其注册手续没有公开发行股票所要求的那么冗长。

    Private stock offering is a reference to the sale of corporate shares to individual investors without the lengthy registration process required for public offerings .

  22. 公开发行股票标准太高,银行贷款额度小,杯水车薪,解决不了大问题。

    The standard of Public Offering is too high and the amount of the bank loans is so small which can not solve the big problem .

  23. 随着公司经营的成熟,可以通过公开发行股票,公司合并或者出售,或用其他方式的获得资本。

    As the business matures , an initial public offering may take place , or the business merged or sold , or other sources of capital found .

  24. 自2004年1月1日起,发行人申请首次公开发行股票并上市,应当自设立股份有限公司之日起不少于三年。

    As from January1st , 2004 , an issuer applying for IPO shall be a joint stock limited company of at least three years from the day it was established .

  25. 香港&中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴周二公布了自从9月份首次公开发行股票以来的第一份财务报告,报告显示其利润大幅增长。

    HONG KONG & Alibaba , the Chinese e-commerce behemoth , reported on Tuesday a jump in profit in its first earnings announcement since its initial public offering in September .

  26. 尚福临承认,由于首次公开发行股票的这些公司主要的客户在大陆,因此这些公司之所以要在香港上市的主要原因是他们想利用在香港上市来扩大他们公司的影响。

    Shang acknowledged that decisive factor behind the IPOs on the mainland is that the companies want to expand influence more effectively as their majority customers are from the mainland .

  27. 第二百三十七条发行人申请核准公开发行股票、司债券,应当按照规定缴纳审核费用。

    Article 237 where an issuer applies for verifying the public issuance of any stocks or corporate bonds , it shall pay the expenses for examination according to the relevant provisions .

  28. 非上市公众公司是指那些向不特定公众公开发行股票,或者股东超过200人,且股票未在证券交易所挂牌公开交易的股份有限公司。

    Non-listed public companies are those limited companies which openly offer stock to non-specific public or have more than 200 shareholders , and the stock is not publicly traded at the Stock Exchange .

  29. 按照产业政策和企业经济效益选择公开发行股票的企业,可以使符合产业政策、经营好、效益高的企业通过证券市场直接而快速地获得资金。

    The enterprises which publicly issue shares may be chosen according to the industrial policies and economic benefits , thus those enterprises according with the industrial policies with high benefits can get funds quickly .

  30. 第十一条公开发行股票,必须依照公司法规定的条件,报经国务院证券监督管理机构核准。

    Article 11 . Before publicly issuing shares , one must abide by the provisions of the Company Law , and report to and attain prior approval from the securities regulatory body under the State Council .