
  1. 从元杂剧包公戏谈公案剧对公案文学的发展

    Studies the Yuan Dynasty Play from Baogong Flay to the Involved Legal Matter Literature Development

  2. 元杂剧公案剧是公案文学发展的一个转捩点。

    Gongan drama in Yuan dynasty is the first peak in the development of gongan literature .

  3. “魅力”是关汉卿公案剧盛传不衰的主要原因。

    The " charm " is the widely known cause for Guan Hanqing s Gongan dramas .

  4. 公案剧,是指将司法案件作为剧情的一个有机部分的作品。

    Gongan drama , is a sort of works that regard judicial case as indispensable part of the plot .

  5. 公案剧还可看作与制度性的官方法律文化相对的习惯性的民间法律文化的表现。

    Gongan drama can also be regarded as law culture among common people in contrast to systematic one of authorities .

  6. 元代杂剧公案剧,是以公案为主要创作题材的元杂剧一个分类。

    Yuan Dynasty play involved legal matter play , takes the involved legal matter as a main creation theme Yuan zaju classification .

  7. 在作品的题材方面,学者研究的重点一般都放在传统的题材上,如社会剧、公案剧、历史剧、神仙道化剧等。

    Works in the subject matter , we are generally the focus of the study on traditional themes , such as social drama , opera legal cases , historical drama , opera and so on Immortal .

  8. 在爱情剧、社会及家庭剧、历史剧、神仙道化剧及公案剧等不同类型的作品中,反封建、反压迫是杂剧女角的主导精神;

    In the different type dramas such as affectional drama , social and family drama , historical drama , immortal drama and legal case drama , leading spirit of the female is against the feudalism and oppression ;

  9. 第四章主要通过一个具体的个案(《蝴蝶梦》)来透视复仇与正义、法与礼、据法与据礼的关系,以探析公案剧的法律意蕴。

    Through a concrete individual case ( < < butterfly dream > ), the forth part is arranged to analyze the meaning of law by seeing through vengeance and justice , law and moral , according to law and according to moral .

  10. 第二章以故事类型为基准,把中国内地武侠电视剧分为历史演义剧、草莽恩怨剧、公案武侠剧和神怪武侠剧。

    In chapter two , according to story type , we classify mainland swordsmen TV series into historical romance TV series , wilderness resentment TV series , kung-an swordsmen TV series and gods and spirits swordsmen TV series .