
ɡōnɡ yì jīnɡ shen
  • spirit of working hard for the public good
  1. “有公益精神的”或“热心公益的”可译为public-spirited。如:她是一个热心公益的人,急切纠正那些我们都看得见但是容易忽视的错误行为。

    She is a public-spirited person who is eager to correct the wrongs that we all see but we easily overlook .

  2. 公益精神与和谐社会的构建

    Public Service Spirit and Construction of the Harmonious Society

  3. 我总认为自己能生长在一个小城镇里是一件幸事,因为小镇有着浓厚的街坊感情和自觉的公益精神。(主动句)

    I always believe that I was very lucky to have been brought up in a small town with a great sense of friendliness and voluntary service .

  4. 从公共性概念出发,政府本身具有公共性,政府产生、存在的目的是为了公共利益、公共目标、公共服务以及创造具有公益精神的意识形态等。

    Government itself has public . The creation and existence of government is public interest , public goal , public service and create ideology which has public welfare spirit and so on .

  5. 非政府组织的发展能培育人们的公民意识、互助合作精神和社会公益精神,保障社会的稳定、和谐发展。

    With deep ethical foundation , the development of NGO can cultivate the consciousness of citizens , team spirit and commonweal spirit as well as guarantee the social stable and harmonious development .

  6. 在中国,随着市民社会和经济的发展,涌现了数量巨大的非营利组织和具有公益精神的企业,各种大学生公益创业活动在校园中蓬勃开展,为大学生创业实践提供了新的方向。

    In China , with the development of civil society and the economy , a huge number of non-profit organizations and public spirit of enterprise have emerged , and a variety of social entrepreneurship activities on campus flourished .

  7. 民间慈善组织当进入到稳定发展阶段后,利用媒体企业宣传公益精神变得尤为重要,其中也出现了不少成功的案例,但在与媒体的实际合作中还有很多问题。

    When entering after the steady progression stage , Chinese Private charitable organizations have the very great demand of cooperation with the media cooperation . But there are also many blind spots and the difficulties in the practical cooperation .

  8. 作者对非自愿住院的伦理学一些基本问题进行了探讨,认为生命价值原则、有利原则、无伤原则、病人利益至上兼顾社会公益是精神科临床工作中应遵循的伦理学基本原则。

    The article discussed some basic problems on the ethics of involuntary hospitalization of psychiatric patients .

  9. 从内容上看,《中华民国民法》在所有权、契约、侵权责任等方面贯彻了注重社会公益的精神,并在亲属法方面确立了平等原则。

    From the subject , the Civil Law of the Republic of China has carried through the spirits of emphasizing social commonweal in the following aspects : ownership , contract , and tort liability , and has established the principle of equality in the aspect of law of kindred .

  10. 公益广告在社会主义精神文明建设中发挥着重要的作用,作为公益广告形式的重要组成部分的语言,在表达方式上,表现出淡化理性诉求、强化情感诉求、越来越追求艺术化的特性。

    Advertisements of public welfare play more and more important roles on the construction of spiritual values .

  11. 这说明中国人并不缺乏同情心、公益心与慷慨精神。

    This indicates that Chinese people do not lack sympathy , generosity and devotion to public welfare .