
  • 网络the World Financial Center;world financial centre;WFC
  1. 纽约是世界金融中心。

    New York City is the world financial center .

  2. 行人走过去一建筑反映了世界金融中心和兴建世界贸易中心在纽约的网站。

    Pedestrians walk past a building reflecting the World Financial Center and construction at the World Trade Center site in New York .

  3. 纽约是世界金融中心之一。

    New York is one of the world financial centres .

  4. 哪怕不算其尖顶,此栋超级豪宅也要高出新建的世界金融中心(WorldFinancialCenter)28英尺。

    Absent its spire , the newly built World Financial Center - itself a giant - is 28 feet shorter than this new cathedral to uber-wealth .

  5. 新的挑战在纽交所西北七个街区处出现了,这里是美林总部所在地世界金融中心大厦(WorldFinancialCentre)。这家投资银行正处于内爆过程。

    It arrived seven blocks north-west of the NYSE , at the World Financial Centre headquarters of Merrill Lynch , where the investment bank was in the process of imploding .

  6. 伦敦一直是世界金融中心。

    London has always been one of the financial capitals of the world .

  7. 纽约是世界金融中心,对不对?

    New York is a financial center of the world , isn 't it ?

  8. 区域性金融中心,甚至世界金融中心地位的争夺也日益激烈。

    The competition for being the regional financial center or the world financial center is increasingly fierce .

  9. 在信用短缺之前,谈论伦敦将取代旧约世界金融中心的地位是很平常的。

    Before the credit crunch , talk that London would replace New York as the world 's financial centre was commonplace .

  10. 香港天凯发展有限公司座落在世界金融中心&香港,这给了天凯人一种香港的精神。

    Hongkong TinHoi Development Co. , Ltd locates in Hongkong , the world finance center , which supplies all TinHoi staffs Hongkong spirit .

  11. 戴安娜最终还是顺利完成旅程。她在布鲁克林音乐学院做出了让观众惊讶的表演,接着又去世界金融中心参加了一个宴会。

    Diana managed to enthrall anyway , wowing an audience at the Brooklyn Academy of Music and attending a banquet at the World Financial Center .

  12. 中国香港是世界金融中心之一,实行联系汇率制度至今已经整整30年了。

    Hong Kong in China is one of financial centers in the world , which has implied the linked exchange rate system for thirty years .

  13. 华尔街虽然不大,但因耸立在街道两旁的银行与大公司所在的摩天大厦而成为世界金融中心。

    Wall Street , though not very large but walled by skyscrapers of large banks and offices of big companies , is a financial center of the world .

  14. 新加坡的建国史只有短短的三十余年,可它由渔港变为世界金融中心之一的进步之快,世人瞩目。

    The island holds the world 's attention with the rapid progress that transformed a fishing port into a global financial hub within merely 30-odd years since its founding .

  15. 从世界金融中心的形成经验可以发现,金融产业集群的形成主要分为自发演化和嵌入发展两种不同模式。

    From the experience of the world financial center 's forming , we can find out t financial agglomeration has two kinds of forming modes : self-development and interposition development .

  16. 我从哈佛大学毕业以后,就决定把公司迁到纽约市。我的想法是我们应该处于世界金融中心。

    Upon my graduation from Harvard , I decided to move my company to NYC , with the idea that we should be in the center of the financial world .

  17. 中国最高的建筑&101层的世界金融中心(左)、金茂大厦(中)以及东方之珠电视塔标志着这个城市日益增长的雄心。

    The101-story World Financial Center , China 's tallest building ( left ), Jin Mao Tower ( center ), and Oriental Pearl TV Tower signal the city 's rising ambition .

  18. 过去一年人民币加快了国际化的步伐。数国与中国签订了新的货币互换协议、建立起清算行,几个世界金融中心间也就人民币投资配额达成协议。

    The pace of internationalisation has picked up in the past year with new currency swap agreements , clearing banks and renminbi investment quotas being agreed in several financial centres .

  19. 2007年一场次贷危机席卷整个美国,并在2008年9月演变为全球性金融危机,华尔街作为世界金融中心在这次危机中损失严重。

    A sub-prime mortgage crisis sweeping the United States in 2007 , and in September 2008 into a global financial crisis , Wall Street as a world financial center in the crisis losses .

  20. 但是,伦敦是世界金融中心,拥有550家跨国银行和170家国际证券公司,欧洲排名前500位的大公司中,100家总部落户伦敦。

    However , London is a global financial center with about 550 foreign banks and 170 international securities firms . Among the top 500 companies in Europe , 100 set their headquarters in London .

  21. 纽约市场文化参观活动:自由女神岛、世界金融中心&华尔街、世贸大厦遗址、联合国总部、洛克非勒中心、繁华的第五大道、时代广场等。

    New York culture activity : Colombia University , New York University , Status of Liberty Island , Wall Street , World Trade Mall site , U.N Mansion , Rockefeller Center , Times Plaza .

  22. 伦敦拥有世界金融中心和欧洲跳板的优势,英国的高级工程、基础设施、零售餐饮、文化创意、生命科技及医药等领域也具有诸多有价值的投资机会。

    London is a global financial hub . It can be a springboard for Chinese companies to go to Europe . Britain holds out great investment opportunities in engineering , creative industry , life science and pharmaceutics .

  23. 纽约已跻身银行和金融业的最高领奖台,在最新的世界金融中心排名中,这个美国城市第一次和伦敦不分胜负。

    New York has elbowed its way on to the top of the banking and finance podium as the US city , for the first time , tied with London in the latest ranking of world financial centres .

  24. 北京世界金融中心工程采用这一技术,并严格控制各项参数,达到了减少桩数、节约费用的目的。

    The Beijing World Finance Centre project has been completed with this techology through strict control of its various parameters . As a result , the numbers of piles are reduced and the cost of construction is fairly saved .

  25. 尤其是伦敦金融城(cityoflondon),停车费用要高于世界其它金融中心。

    The cost of parking in the city of London in particular is outpacing that of other financial centres .

  26. 新加坡星展银行(DBS)中国内地与香港科技总监林大卫(DavidLynch)称,香港作为世界主要金融中心之一的地位,使之成为创办面向亚洲及其他地区、专注于金融技术的企业的理想地点。

    David Lynch , head of technology for DBS in China and Hong Kong , says Hong Kong 's position as one of the world 's leading financial centres makes it an ideal location for start-ups focused on banking technology in Asia and beyond .

  27. 译文:纽约,通向北美的必经之路,如今已是世界金融的中心。

    TEXT : New York City . Gateway to North America . Today the financial capital of the world .

  28. 不过,给外国银行带来负担的法规只会对建设真正世界一流金融中心的想法产生相反的作用。

    Nevertheless , regulations that burden foreign banks only go contrary to the idea of developing a truly world-class financial centre .

  29. 怀疑论者对这一设想法不屑一顾,他们认为,仅靠几座摩天大楼堆砌不出世界级金融中心。

    Sceptics scoff at such talk , arguing that it will take more than a few skyscrapers to make a world class financial centre .

  30. 在香港成为举世闻名的世界级金融中心前,它曾长期充当企业家精神的孵化器特别是“孵化”了那些土生土长的本地“品种”。

    Long before the territory became known as a world class financial centre , it was an incubator of entrepreneurship especially that of the home-grown , local variety .