
  • 网络Rosengarten;the rose garden
  1. 《玫瑰花园中的阴影》的象征手法和阶级主题

    The Theme and the Symbolism in The Shadow in the Rose Garden

  2. 我在玫瑰花园工业区行走去我的学校。

    I walk to my school in Rose Garden Estate .

  3. 那一年阿伦建了个新球馆,并命名为玫瑰花园。

    That year Allen opened a new arena named the Rose Garden .

  4. 下星期六将是玫瑰花园学校的开学。

    Next Saturday will be the Open Day of Rose Garden School .

  5. 全国的博物馆都借出雕像给玫瑰花园使用。

    Museums around the country loaned the sculptures for the Rose Garden .

  6. 南海玫瑰花园共分三期开发,目前总建筑面积为34万。

    Nanhai rose garden consists of3 phases with a total floorage of340000m2 .

  7. 昨天是玫瑰花园学校开放日。

    Yesterday was Open Day at Rose Garden School .

  8. 罗马的贵族在罗马的南部曾建立大型的公共玫瑰花园。

    Roman nobility established large public rose gardens in the south of Rome .

  9. 他们使它变得荒芜;他们践踏了他那可爱的玫瑰花园。

    They had desolated it ; they had trampled his lovely rose garden .

  10. 在他的庭院里,有一片凹下地面的玫瑰花园。

    There is a concave rose garden of ground down inside his courtyard .

  11. 你知道我有多么喜欢玫瑰花园。

    You know how I love rose gardens .

  12. 马克的父亲参观玫瑰花园学校。

    Mark 's father visits Rose Garden School .

  13. 这里有草坪和几个网球场,一些绿色栅栏和一个玫瑰花园。

    There are lawns and grass tennis courts , herbaceous borders and a rose garden .

  14. 《玫瑰花园中的阴影》是劳伦斯著名的短篇小说之一,作者运用了象征的手法表现了主题。

    The Shadow in the Rose Garden is one of the famous short novels of Laurence .

  15. 玫瑰花园增添浪漫优雅的户外空间,工作好与大多数园林风格。

    Rose gardens add romantic elegance to your outdoor space and work well with most garden styles .

  16. 科比为湖人拿下33分,此前湖人已经连续五次在玫瑰花园球场输球。

    Bryant had33 points for the Lakers , who have lost five straight at the Rose Garden .

  17. 珠江玫瑰花园深基坑支护墙体受力与变形的三维性状分析

    Analysis of 3 D behavior of stressing and deforming for deep excavation supporting wall of Zhujiang Rose Garden

  18. 我趁着薄暮走过玫瑰花园,只有孔雀的叫声打破其宁静。

    I walk through a rose garden in the gloaming , its silence broken only by the cry of a peacock .

  19. 奥巴马和美国“第一狗”――波,在白宫的玫瑰花园玩丢球游戏。

    President Barack Obama throws a ball for Bo , the family dog , in the Rose Garden of the White House .

  20. 上周,在玫瑰花园就失业问题和国家赤字问题发表的演说中,奥巴马总统似乎也难以抑制自己的怒火。

    In a speech on unemployment and the national debt delivered from the rose garden last week , the president seemed fired up too .

  21. 人们梦想远方迷人的玫瑰花园,却不去欣赏盛开在窗前的玫瑰花。

    We are all dreaming of ome magical rose garden over the horizon-instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today .

  22. “在过去的三个星期里,玫瑰花园共展示了四具雪人,”他在照片配文里解释道,

    For the past three weeks , there have been four snowmen on display in the Rose Garden , he explained in a caption .

  23. 他们在玫瑰花园球场几乎是屡战屡败,比赛的结果就好像是太平洋西北部冬季多云的一样让人可以预测。

    They came up here once again and lost once again , the result now as predictable as clouds in the winter in the Pacific Northwest .

  24. 他尝试与玫瑰花园的债主重新谈判,希望减少至少一半的债务。

    He tried to renegotiate with the Rose Garden 's creditors , maneuvering to get out of the deal by offering less than half of what note holders demanded .

  25. 我注意到另一个计划是到日本中部的岐阜县参观世界级的玫瑰花园,这也绝对是一座不可错过的顶级花园。

    I noticed in the programme a visit to the world-class rose garden at Gifu , central Japan , is also planned-yet another totally distinctive garden not to be missed .

  26. 他们非常高兴这次能够拜访15个主要玫瑰花园,看到了花朵开放的盛况,更开心每天都有着美好的天气。

    They were highly delighted with the15 major rose gardens they had visited , all in full bloom and even more pleased with the wonderful weather they experienced every day .

  27. 首先,我非常高兴建了这座美丽的玫瑰花园,仅仅是为了爱,那些快乐的,或者不快乐的,却同样感觉孤单的人们。

    At frist , I am very happy to make this beautiful rosegerden just for love , for those are happy or unhappy people who feels lonely and need somebody to share their life .

  28. 在玫瑰花园中小憩,闻着绿草的芳香,向前望着,幻想着明天还将继续。让我们对昌迪格乐说声再见吧。它从未离去,将永存你我心间。

    Rest on the Rose Garden , smell the grass , look forwards , dream what tomorrow will be , let us say goodbye to Chandigarh , but never leave it behind your back , remember from your heart .

  29. 我依然记得当时的情景:我如何兴高采烈地穿过他们家的玫瑰花园;如何遇到了他们家的大狗利奥,还有卷毛长耳小狗弗里茨;行动敏捷的大马宁录又如何伸着鼻子吃我手里的黄油和糖块。

    I remember with delight how I went through their rose-garden , how their dogs , big Leo and little curly-haired Fritz with long ears , came to meet me , and how Nimrod , the swiftest of the horses , poked his nose into my hands for a pat and a lump of sugar .

  30. 请给我回信到花园城玫瑰花园区,玫瑰花园学校7B班。

    Please write to me at Class 7B , Rose Garden School , Rose Garden Estate , Garden City .