
  1. 该建筑是一个真正为使用者而精心设计的多功能公共活动中心。

    The building is a truly multifunctional public center which engages its users .

  2. 2010年上海世博会公共活动中心

    Public Activity Centre for 2010 Shanghai World Fair

  3. 轨道交通与城市公共活动中心体系的空间耦合关系&以上海市为例

    Study on spatial coupling between the metro and ur - ban activity Center-Case study in Shanghai

  4. 上海世博会现场的娱乐和演出活动将主要在演艺中心,公共活动中心,世博广场和主题广场举行。

    Performances and recreational activities during Shanghai Expo are mainly held in Expo Performance Center , Public Activity Center , Expo Center and Theme Pavilion .

  5. 现代社会,城市综合体由于其功能的多样化及与城市的关系,使其逐渐成为一种最具吸引力的公共活动中心。

    In modern society , because of its diversity of functions and the relationship with the city , the urban complex has become a most attractive public activity center .

  6. 城市地铁交通的建设使城市公共活动中心的规模扩大,并向综合多功能的封闭与开敞空间相结合的立体结构发展。

    Metro city traffic so that construction of the city center of public activity scale , and integrated multi-function and closed with a combination of open space development of three-dimensional structure . 3 .

  7. 于是,这座宅邸中就有了&座宽敞而高度恰到好处的大厅,前后贯穿整个住宅,形成一个公共活动的中心,与宅中所有的房间都直接或伺接地连通着。

    Here , then , was a wide and reasonably lofty hall , extending through the whole depth of the house and forming a medium of general communication , more or less directly , with all the other apartments .

  8. 龙阳路枢纽将形成上海轨道交通2号线、7号线、11号线、18号线和磁浮示范运营线等5线换乘的大型公共交通枢纽和市级公共活动中心。

    With five rail lines converging on , Longyang Transport Hub will become a large-scale traffic hub and at same time a public activity center .

  9. 雅典城市公共空间为城邦公有,向公众开放,是真正意义上的公有和公用空间,是城邦公共活动的中心。

    Public space owned by the public , and opened to the public in practice in Athens city . The public space of the Athens city is the center of the public activities in classical age in Athens .