
shí lù
  • gravel road;stone-paved road
  1. 房子由一条砾石路与花园相连。

    The house is connected with the garden by a gravel road .

  2. 他们离开主要公路,转入一条弯曲的的砾石路。

    They tumid off the main highway onto a winding gravel road .

  3. 陡倾层状岩石路堑边坡的变形机制及其安全防护

    Deformation Mechanism and Safety Protection for Steep Stratified Rock Cutting Slope

  4. 高填石路堤施工期沉降规律研究

    A Study on Settlement Regularity for High Rockfill Embankment During Construction

  5. 高填石路堤地基沉降计算方法研究

    Study on Settlement Calculation Method for Subgrade of High Rockfill Embankment

  6. 基于人工降雨作用下煤矸石路堤污染物释放研究

    Research on pollutant release from coal gangue under runoff leaching operation

  7. 无机结合料稳定煤矸石路基混合料性能研究。

    Inorganic binding material stability gangue subgrade mixture properties research .

  8. 苏州市金阊区石路地区改造与更新

    Shi Lu of Suzhou Jin Chang Borough Reconstruction and Renewal

  9. 山区高速公路高填石路堤稳定性

    Stability of High Rock-Filled Embankment of Expressway in Mountain Area

  10. 高填石路堤参数进化反演研究

    Study on gas-based parameters back analysis of high rockfill embankment

  11. 石笼在填石路堤边坡防护中的应用

    Application of Rock Crib in the Slope Protection for Stone Filled Embankment

  12. 浅谈砂石路面坑槽产生的原因及防治

    Discussion on cause and preventing measures of chuck holes in sand-stone road

  13. 苏州石路地区城市游憩商业特征的研究

    A Study on the RBD Characteristics of Shilu Region of Suzhou City

  14. 基于龚帕斯生长曲线的高填石路堤沉降规律分析

    Analysis to high rockfill embankment settlement on the basis of Gompertz growth curve

  15. 基于振动成型的级配碎石路用性能及设计标准

    Pavement Performance and Design Standard of Graded Broken Stone Based on Vibration Molding

  16. 基于反分析方法的高填石路堤工期沉降计算

    Determination of Settlement of High Rock-Filled Embankment in Construction by Back Analysis Method

  17. 那辆旧公共汽车格登格登地沿碎石路行驶。

    The old bus rattled along the stony road .

  18. 高填石路堤沉降变权重组合预测方法研究

    Study on variable-weight combined forecasting method of the settlement in high rock-filled embankment

  19. 高填石路堤沉降的灰色优化-马尔柯夫预测模型

    Gray Optimizing-Markov Predicating Model on Settlement of High-enrockment Embankment

  20. 石灰粉煤灰微粘结级配碎石路用性能研究

    Study on Pavement Performance of Lime-flyash Micro-bonded Graded Aggregates

  21. 关于砂石路路基翻浆处治方法的探讨

    Discussing the disposing methods of sandstone roadbed slurry

  22. 早强水稳碎石路用性能研究

    Early Strength Cement Stabilized Debris Road Performance Study

  23. 封闭条件下抛石路堤降温效果及机理的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Cooling Effect and Mechanism of Closed Ripped - Rock Embankment

  24. 高填石路堤工后沉降分析及工程算法探讨

    Study on Settlement of High Fill Rock Embankment After Construction and Its Engineering Algorithm

  25. 大卵石路不平的路面林区公路路面设计规范

    Design specifications of road surface for forest highway

  26. 单调地在砾石路上往来蹀躞,正适合艾丽西亚的心情。

    The monotonous walk up and down the gravelled pathway suited Alicia 's humour .

  27. 迷宫堰在石路水库扩建中的应用

    Application of labyrinth-weir in extending Shilu reservoir

  28. 砂石路养护机械化配置方案

    Machinery Allocation Scheme of Sand Pavement Maintenance

  29. 在农村地区,你的车可能是一种简单的污垢或砂石路。

    In rural locations , your driveway may be a simple dirt or gravel road .

  30. 在不同的冻土分区中,无论是何种形式的块石路堤结构,其降温趋势是不同的。

    This process has been restrained by the air convective embankment with crushed rock structure .