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  • Stone Tower;pinnacle;torreon
石塔[shí tǎ]
  1. 这个国家公园引人瞩目的垂直地貌——石塔、砂岩谷和陡峭崖壁——每年吸引250万游客前来游览。9.AcadiaNationalPark阿卡迪亚国家公园

    The park 's striking vertical topography - rock towers , sandstone canyons , and sharp cliffs - attracts 2.5 million visitors a year .

  2. 埃塞俄比亚这个国家最让人神往的便是它无数的历史古迹,方尖石塔,阿克苏姆(Axum)石碑,教堂,塔纳湖岛Tigre的科普特人修道院,以及拉利贝拉(Lalibela)的非洲耶路撒冷的岩石教堂。

    Much of the fascination of Ethiopia lies in its myriad historical sites , the obelisks and stele of Axum , the churches and coptic monasteries in the Tigre , in the Lake Tana isles and in the Lalibela : the African Jerusalem with its monolithic churches .

  3. 河南宋代楼阁式砖石塔研究

    On the Pavilion Type Masonry Pagoda in Henan in Song Dynasty

  4. 对了,在中国成对儿的石塔中啊。

    Oh , yeah , of China 's twin .

  5. 湖泊的南边有两座石塔。

    South of the lake stand two stone towers .

  6. 试译:一个人经过规模宏大的金字塔和方尖石塔。

    One passes under pyramids and obelisks , all on a heroic scale .

  7. 这些立于主殿入口之侧石塔上包含的是十世纪佛经抄本的内容。

    The stone towers flanking the entrance of the main hall contain10th-century copies of the Buddhist sutras .

  8. 石林遍布被侵蚀过的花岗岩石柱,石塔和尖顶石山,深受游客以及攀岩者的青睐。

    Popular with tourists and climbers , the Needles is full of eroded granite pillars , towers , and spires .

  9. 同样在这里你还可以找到岩石风化的地貌,如石笋,石柱,石剑和石塔。

    You can also find miles of efflorescent rock physiognomy there , such as stalagmites , stelae , stone sword , and stone pagodas .

  10. 金刚石及类金刚石材料的常温常压电化学合成灰色的石塔呈现金黄色,然后转成淡红色。

    Low-voltage Electrodeposition of Diamond and Diamond-Like Materials under Ambient Temperature and Pressure The grey stone towers take on a golden colour before turning pink .

  11. 灰色的石塔呈现金黄色,然后转成淡红色。随着秋天的过去,树叶渐渐变成了金黄色和红色。

    The grey stone towers take on a golden colour before turning pink . As the autumn passed , the leaves shaded into gold and red .

  12. 该建筑群建于13世纪末,如今仍然是许多佛教僧侣的家园,这里最出名的是14世纪的钟形石塔。

    Founded in the late 13th century and still home to many Buddhist monks , the complex is best known for its bell-shaped , 14th-century stone pagoda .

  13. 最初这种塔由较为轻质的材料建造,如木材;随着时间流逝以及技术水平的发展,石塔成为了首选。

    Originally such towers would have been made of lighter materials , such as timber ; with time and increasing technical sophistication , masonry towers were preferred .

  14. 从古石塔的抗震能力研究1604年泉州海外大震对塔址及市区的地震影响

    Studying the influence of a great earthquake at the coastal area of Quanzhou in 1604 on the ancient stone tower and the city from the aseismic capability

  15. 2001年,庆阳市华池县在对境内宋代双石塔进行整体搬迁挖掘时,在塔体内发现了一只香包。

    In Huachi county of Qingyang In2001 , when have an overall removal mining on Double-Stone Tower of Song Dynasty , in the tower found a sachet .

  16. 省内四大藏书楼之一的玉海楼和观音寺石塔列入全国、省级文保单位。

    In the province , one of the four books Yuhai House floor , and Kwun Yam Temple pagoda included in the national , provincial protection units in the text .

  17. 世界遗产公约说,这些坐落在一条河流的弯道处的石塔甚至有6千万年的历史,后来又经历了地震,才形成悬空的地形。

    The rock towers themselves are some 60 million years old , emerging from the cone of a river and further transformed by earthquakes according to the World Heritage Convention .

  18. 马拉多纳说,如果我们赢得了世界杯冠军,我就绕着方尖石塔(一座高大的纪念碑,布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心的标志性建筑)裸奔一圈。

    " If we win the World Cup , I 'll get naked and run around the Obelisk ," he said , referring to the tall monument that marks the center of the city and serves as its most famous landmark .

  19. 那是“三潭印月”。有月光的晚上,三座石塔的孔倒映在湖上,看上去就像三轮明月在湖面上婆娑起舞,故名“三潭印月”。

    That 's the " three Pools Mirroring the moon " . on moonlit nights the openings on the three pagodas are reflected on the lake , which gives the illusion of three moons dancing on the water 's surface , hence the name .