
lào yìn
  • brand;stigma;sear
烙印 [lào yìn]
  • (1) [brand]∶烫在人、动物或器物上的火印。多比喻不易磨灭的痕迹

  • (2) [brand]∶用火烧铁在牲畜或器物上烫成痕迹;比喻深刻地留下印象

  • 历史又一次将这教训烙印在那些愿意正视事实的人们的心上

烙印[lào yìn]
  1. 主人懒得给牛打烙印。

    The owner couldn 't be bothered to brand the cattle .

  2. 这些牛身上打了烙印,标明是我的牛。

    These cattle have my brand on them .

  3. 在大农场,牲畜通常是打烙印的。

    On big farms cattle are usually stamped with brands .

  4. 这个教训将烙印在我的心头。

    This lesson will be engraved on my mind .

  5. 我们已经给我们的牛打上了烙印。

    We have branded our cattle .

  6. 形态学研究表明:不同分子烙印聚合物具有不同的表观密度、溶胀率、热稳定性以及表面形态与表面结构;而且聚合物中具有不同含量游离羧基,其中优化聚合物P1中的游离羧基相对较多;

    The study on morphology shows , different MIPs have different apparent dry density , swelling , thermo-stability and external modality and structure ;

  7. Alizarin-Cu(Ac)2配合物的分子烙印聚合物的制备和结合特性

    Preparation and Binding Characteristic of An Alizarin-Cu ( Ac ) _2-imprinted Polymer

  8. 这导致一些地方的“烙印日”社区聚会成了历史,但不包括比尔·格雷(BillGray)在科罗拉多州奥德韦郊外的这座牧场。

    In some places , that is sending the community gathering known as branding day into the past . But not on Bill Gray 's ranch , outside Ordway , Colo.

  9. 我为我在NBA球场上留下的烙印而感到骄傲,为我曾经能够成为其中的一员而感激。

    I am proud of the mark I left on this game and am grateful to have been a part this league .

  10. 用非共价法,在极性溶剂中,以丙烯酰胺作功能单体,以强极性化合物槲皮素为模板,制备了分子烙印聚合物(MIP)。

    A molecularly imprinted polymer ( MIP ) was prepared using quercetin as the template and acrylamide as the hydrogen-bonding functional monomer in a polar solvent .

  11. 在含水缓冲溶液条件下,研究了单体种类、分子烙印聚合物颗粒度和含量、缓冲溶液pH值以及分离电压对分子烙印聚合物识别模板分子的影响。

    Effects of monomer species , particle size and content of the molecular imprinted polymer , buffer pH value , and applied voltage on the ability of molecular recognition of the synthesized molecular imprinted polymer have been studied in aqueous buffer media .

  12. 去年十月,甲骨文已将云计算客户服务提供商RightNowTechnologies收入囊中,而现在,甲骨文的人力资源服务又打上了软件即服务提供商Taleo的烙印。

    Last October Oracle ( orcl ) bought cloud-based customer service provider rightnow technologies , and now it is rounding out its human services software-as-a-service offerings with taleo .

  13. 通过沉淀聚合法合成了咖啡因烙印高聚物微球,比较了咖啡因分别在烙印和空白高聚物微球上的吸附,利用Scatchard分析考察了咖啡因在烙印高聚物微球上的结合特性;

    Second , Caffeine molecular imprinted uniform microgel spheres were prepared by precipitation polymerization method , comparison of caffeine adsorption on molecular imprinted and blank microgel spheres was made and Scatchard analysis was used to investigate the binding properties of caffeine on imprinted microgel spheres .

  14. 他抚摸她蜂蜜般棕褐色的、没有阳光烙印的身体;

    He strokes her honey-brown body , unmarked by the sun ;

  15. 牛在被赶进市场前,被打上烙印。

    The cattle are branded before being driven to the market .

  16. 打烙印用或似用灼热的铁打标记。

    To mark with or as if with a hot iron .

  17. 他独特的经历为他的园林和雕塑打上了深深的烙印。

    His unusual experience deeply marked his sculpture and garden works .

  18. 他开始看到自己身上目光短浅的鲜明烙印。

    He was beginning to see his particular brand of short-sightedness .

  19. 所有的进步都打上了工会的烙印。

    All of that progress is stamped with the union label .

  20. 这一切特征在《威兰》中留下了清晰的烙印。

    The stamp of all this on Wieland is very clear .

  21. 他们性格中的大男子主义倾向是文化的烙印。

    Their male chauvinism is a brand of the paternalism culture .

  22. 一代黑人认为自己背负着烙印,他们的不满无人理会。

    A generation believes it has been stigmatised and their complaints ignored .

  23. 岩溶植被植物区系组成为地域性但带有明显的地带性烙印;

    Karst vegetation flora is regional , but has evident horizontal characteristics .

  24. 首饰的各方面都打上了工业时代的烙印。

    All aspects of jewelry marked by the industrial age .

  25. 更重要的是,鲍尔默给微软打上了自己的烙印。

    More important , Ballmer has put his stamp on the company .

  26. 这农夫一个下午就给100头小牛打上了烙印。

    The farmer branded a hundred calves in one afternoon .

  27. 深深的履痕,烙印出中华民族的端午节。

    And his deep footprint brand the Dragon Boat Festival of Chinese .

  28. 我这种想把自己所有的东西都打上烙印的沉迷是一种什么心态?

    What is this obsession I have with branding everything I own ?

  29. 历史从来没给我留下烙印。

    History never made much of an impression on me .

  30. 我看著它消逝,带离最后一丝烙印。

    I see it all fading , every last mark .