
lào bǐng
  • flapjack;latke;a baked pancake;griddle cake;Chinese pancake;fritter
烙饼 [lào bǐng]
  • [Chinese pancake;griddle cake] 稀面糊做成的薄饼,主要由面粉(如属于小麦或荞麦的)和液体组成,经酵母发酵和在铁盘中两面反复烙成

烙饼[lào bǐng]
  1. 当你遇到一个女孩的时候,不要把她当烙饼去抢。

    When you meet a girl , don 't grab her like she was a flapjack .

  2. 烙饼还有点儿温和。

    The pancake is still warm .

  3. 晚上我们用这块酵子烙饼吃吧

    Shall we make cakes with this leavening dough tonight ?

  4. 他卖的热烙饼味道真好

    His hot pancakes are delicious .

  5. 将面糊倒入一个不粘烤盘烤制烙饼。

    Pour the batter onto a nonstick griddle to form pancakes .

  6. 艾伦立即反驳说,烙饼明明是卷的。

    Pancakes are generally rolled up , ' piped back Alan .

  7. 妈妈量出四碗面粉来做烙饼。

    Mamma measured off four bowls of flour for baked pancakes .

  8. 好啦,世界上最甜的菠萝烙饼。

    There you go , the world 's sweetest cheesecake .

  9. 烙饼怎么样了,查理布朗?

    How are the pancakes , Charlie Brown ?

  10. 室门突然打开,黛丽莎冲了进来,在她烙饼样的脂粉下面,一脸怒气。

    The door burst open and Teresa charged in , scowling under her pancake makeup .

  11. 那里的人们会用刚刚收获的小麦制作烙饼和馒头。

    And people there take the newly harvested wheat and make pancakes and steamed buns .

  12. 我们是不会吃烙饼的。

    We 're not gonna eat pancajes .

  13. 师傅显得非常友好,专给赵树理做了馒头和烙饼。

    With a great show of friendliness , the baker made special bread and cakes for Chao .

  14. 你可以在果子冻热的时候加入到烙饼中,或放入密封的器具并在冰箱中保藏。

    Serve hot over pancakes , or store in an airtight jar and chill in the refrigerator .

  15. 他卖的热烙饼味道真好,一做好你就可以直接买来用手拿着吃。

    His hot pancakes are delicious , you buy them straight from the kitchen to eat in your hands .

  16. “爸爸,如果您又被人家发现了怎么办呢?”小赛明一面往烙饼上搽黄油,一面问道。

    Father , what if thee should get found out again ? Said simeon , as he buttered his cake .

  17. 将乳酪馅抹在烙饼上面,然后放上熏三文鱼。卷起后切成小件即可。

    Spread the cheese mixture on the tortilla and lay the smoked salmon on it . Wrap up and cut into small pieces .

  18. 聚集在附近一个展厅里的数十名厨师,衬衣上别着能表明自身特长的卡片:烙饼,面条,饺子。

    In a nearby exhibition hall , dozens of cooks gathered with cards pinned to their shirts identifying their specialties : pancakes , noodles , dumplings .

  19. 如果你希望只把睡觉这件事和你的床联系起来,那么在床上你需要做的事情就是熟睡,而不是整晚翻烙饼。

    If you associate your bed only with sleep , you 'll be more likely to fall asleep when you get under the covers for the night .

  20. 比如说,在你的橱柜里可能回存有谷粒的玉米粉薄烙饼,你就可以用这些材料作成一个由纯鸡肉或土豆泥做馅的面饼卷。

    For example , you might keep some whole grain tortillas in your cupboard so that you can make a quick and easy burrito with lean chicken or beans .

  21. 制作燕麦烙饼:将1/2杯脱脂芝士1/2杯燕麦一个鸡蛋四个鸡蛋蛋清肉桂以及香草精放入一个中等大小的碗中混合。

    Make oatmeal pancakes.Mix1/2 cup cottage cheese , 1 / 2 cup oatmeal , one egg , four egg whites , the cinnamon , and the vanilla extract in a medium bowl .

  22. 印度人的主食包括南印度酸豆汤、米饭、印度烙饼、(适当调味或煸炒的)蔬菜以及鱼和肉。

    The staple diet of most Indians consist of dal / sambar , rice , chapatis / rotis with cooked vegetables ( mildly spiced / stir fried ) or fish / meat .

  23. 我看到泛着油光的多层的烙饼,吞咽着口水,她看着我渴望的眼神对我说:“你想吃吗?”

    I saw the reddish shiny multi-layer of the baked buns , swallowing the saliva , and she looked at me eager eyes said to me : " Do you want to eat it ?"