
xiǎo qì
  • stingy;mean;niggardly;tight-fisted;parsimonious;narrow-minded petty
小气 [xiǎo qì]
  • [stingy;mean;nigardly;tight-fisted;narrow-minded pelly] 吝啬,胸襟不宽

  • 小气得连婚礼前都舍不得理一次发

小气[xiǎo qì]
  1. 温斯顿不是个小气之人。

    Winston was not a stingy man .

  2. 他小气的性格常被朋友们嘲笑。

    His stingy personality is often ridiculed by his friends .

  3. 她举办聚会吃的东西从不小气。

    She never stints on the food at her parties .

  4. 你怎么那么小气呢?

    How could you be so petty ?

  5. 别这么小气!

    Don 't be so cheap !

  6. 劝劝你丈夫,叫他别那么小气。

    Tell your husband not to be a cheapskate .

  7. 我并不想显得小气,但所有这些东西都必须从预算中开支。

    Without wanting to sound mean about it , these things all have to come from a budget .

  8. 买些新的怎样——你就小气到连3个卢布也不肯掏吗?

    What about getting new ones — Are you so tight you won 't even spend three roubles ?

  9. 官员们说应该提供所需的大部分食品的欧盟现在特别小气。

    Officials say the EU , which is supposed to provide most of the food needs , is being particularly niggardly .

  10. 据说他是一个小气鬼。

    They say [ It is said that ] he 's a miser .

  11. 公司在差旅费用上非常小气。

    The company is very tight-fisted with travel expenses .

  12. 小气的房东在房客的取暖和热水供应上进行克扣

    Penny-pinching landlords stinted their tenants on heat and hot water .

  13. 乔艾,你这话竟象是我小气,舍不得给你似的。

    Joey , you talk as if I begrudged it to you .

  14. 我真希望陈也能偶尔付付帐,她太小气了。

    I really wish Chen would foot the bill occasionally : she 's so mean !

  15. 杰克的父母一向比较小气,所以当他们提出给杰克钱,并且不要求回报时,杰克变得谨慎起来。

    Jack 's parents are usually very stingy , so he became very cautious when they offered him money with no strings attached .

  16. 你会计算购买礼物花钱的总数,然后尽量按金额平均分配礼物,以免让自己显得小气。

    You tot up how much you 've spent on people and try to even up the numbers so as not to appear stingy .

  17. 例句我以前总说路易丝小气,但我还真是错怪她了,我今年过生日她送了我礼物。

    I used to think that Louise was mean , but I had to eat my words when she gave me a birthday present this year .

  18. 包虫囊肿感染的CT表现为内外囊分离,囊壁增厚,囊内小气泡影及囊内彩带征。

    CT findings of infective hydatid cysts were separation between inside cysts and outside cysts , thickening of cystic wall , and intracystic small air bubble and color bar sign .

  19. B组大鼠肺组织病理改变主要为炎性细胞浸润及小气道平滑肌增生,病理及肺功能改变均较A组显著;

    Group A was greater than group B in changes of pulmonary function , and higher in pulmonary pathological scores , predominantly in inflammatory cell infiltration and proliferation of small airway smooth muscle .

  20. 他是一个非常小气的人,scrooge。

    He was a tightfisted hand at the grindstone , scrooge .

  21. 新型FA抗蒸腾剂可以提高光合速率、减小气孔开张度、降低蒸腾强度,起到促进冬小麦生长和减少水分散失的作用。

    The new FA antitranspirant increased photosynthesis , reduced stomatal opening status and transpiration rate , thus led to growth stimulation and water loss reduction .

  22. 井字形格栅对STEYR厢式货车减小气动阻力的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Square-formed Fences Used for Reducing the Drag on STEYR Van Truck

  23. 喷灌条件下田间小气侯的变化和SPAC系统土壤水分运移规律的研究

    Study on Microclimate Changes in the Field under Sprinkler Condition Principles of Soil Water Movement in the SPAC System

  24. 根据OnlinePhd收集的数据研究表明,通过胡须可以预测你是一个坏蛋还是一位董事会成员,同时还能分析出你别的方面:慷慨,小气和心情,当然更能据此猜测你的年龄。

    According to research gathered by Online PhD , beards can predict whether you 're a badass or board room material , and can have people seeing you as less generous , caring and cheerful ... and older .

  25. 在小气隙下EVA系统可控性较差,且非常不稳定,采用传统的闭环方法控制电磁气门驱动不具有可行性。

    Under the condition of very small gaps , the EVA system is extremely difficult to be stabilized and the control authority is low , therefore the conventional closed-loop control method is hard to be used .

  26. 广告公司智威汤逊(jwt)北亚主管、曾就中国消费者趋势撰文的唐锐涛(tomdoctoroff)称,这让他们成为“小气、无情、疑虑重重的消费者”。

    This makes them " penny pinching , ruthless , suspicious shoppers " , says Tom Doctoroff , North Asia director of advertising agency JWT and a writer on Chinese consumer trends .

  27. 华坪女子中学之所以闻名,不仅是因为它是全国第一所不收学费的女子公立高中,还因为它的高大学录取率。华坪女子高中的口号-中英文版n.小溪n.山峰adj.琐碎的;小气的n.懦夫prep.在……之下

    The Huaping High School for Girls is well-known not only because it is the first girls ' public high school in the nation that does not charge tuition fees , but also for its high university admission rate .

  28. 掺加MC后,体积密度增大,绝干体积密度下降,气孔孔隙率略有增加,大气孔减少,小气孔增多,孔形更接近于球形,同时气孔连通性降低,吸水率减小。

    In addition , the bulk density and total porosity increased , while the oven dry bulk density decreased . After adding MC , the porosity slightly increased , the pore shape was more close to sphere , the content of large pores reduced , while small pores increased .

  29. 对47.5%Co+47.5%Ni+5.0%NiFe2O4试样进行了制备工艺研究,从减小气孔率和节约能源角度考虑,选用在1300℃烧结8h的制备工艺最为合理。

    The preparation craft was carried out on sample 47.5 % Co + 47.5 % Ni + 5.0 % NiFe_2O_4 . It turns out that the best sintering craft is sintering at 1300 ℃ for 8 hours from the perspective of low porosity and saving energy .

  30. 友谊是子弟,而爱情却是小气鬼。

    Friendship is a prodigal , but love is a miser .