
  • 网络Religion and Art
  1. 宗教与艺术有着一种天然的血缘关系。

    There is a natural kinship between religion and art .

  2. 宗教与艺术是一个相互不可分离的混合体,宗教色彩伴随着艺术的起源与发展。

    The religion and art are inseparable mixture , the religious color are following the artistic origin and the development mutually .

  3. 通过进一步比较,探讨佛解脱与审美在深层意义上的相通与相异,有助于进而理解宗教与艺术,佛教与文学的异同之处。

    Through the comparison , this paper interlinked Buddha and aesthetic in the deep meaning , conduce to understanding of religion and art .

  4. 游仙诗是人们用诗歌这一艺术形式来表达因受时间局限而追求生命永恒与自由的产品,也是宗教与艺术完美融合的产物。

    People use this form to express the pursuit of eternal life and freedom and it is a syncretic production of religion and art .

  5. 正如鱼之于水,宗教与艺术也不是无源的,它深埋于庄园之中又独立于庄园之外,横亘于两者之间的正是庄园化的士人。

    Just like fish and water , religion and arts are deep rooted in the manors and , at the same time , they are independent of them , and between the two are the memorized scholars .

  6. 宗教与艺术的交叉渗透在现代社会变得更为频繁多样,电影作为运动的造型艺术也顺理成章的成为宗教传播的新载体。

    The infiltration of religion and art in modern society has become more frequent and diverse , and the film , which serves as a " Moving Plastic Arts ", also becomes a new medium for spreading religion .

  7. 宗教与文学艺术关系甚密。

    There is a close connection between religion 、 literature and art .

  8. 论西方艺术的宗教性与艺术性

    On Religious and Artistic Qualities of Western Art

  9. 尽管中世纪宗教哲学与艺术对希腊罗马文化进行了歪曲,但仍然大量地整理与探索了相关的文化遗产。

    Though Greco-Roman philosophy and art were distorted in Middle Ages , relevant cultural legacies have greatly been organized and explored .

  10. 希腊神话赋予宗教与悲剧艺术丰富的内涵,神话和宗教为悲剧艺术家提供了宽阔的想象平台和创作空间。

    In Greek mythology , there are rich connotation in religion and tragic art . Mythology and religion has provided a broad space of imagination and creation to tragedy artist .

  11. 一方面,宗教向来与艺术关系密切,另一面,传统文化在现代也需要新的表达方式。

    On the one hand , religion has always been closely related to art , on the other hand , the traditional culture in modern needs new forms of expression .

  12. 祭祀及宗教文化与建筑艺术

    Worship and Religion Culture and Art of architecture

  13. 美国人民非常崇仰中国数千年来对文化与宗教,哲学与艺术,科学与艺术所做的贡献。

    The American people deeply admire China for its thousands of years of contribution to cultural and religion , to philosophy and the art , to science and technology .

  14. 本论文从事的是宗教学与绘画艺术跨学科研究,侧重点是道教哲学思想和道教神仙信仰对明清文人画理论、绘画题材的影响及相互关系。

    This dissertation is an interdisciplinary research on religion and the arts of painting , focusing on the influence of Taoist philosophy and the belief of immortals on the theories , subject matters of the paintings of the scholars in Ming and Qing Dynasties and their relations .

  15. 《金瓶梅词话》的宗教描写与作者的艺术构思

    The Religious Description of The Golden Lotus and the Author 's Art Idea

  16. 象征的思维方式和表达方式表现于中华民族的语言、风俗、宗教信仰、文学与艺术等各个方面。

    Mode of thinking and way of expression of symbolism display all respects in languages , custom , religious belief , literature and art of Chinese nation , etc.

  17. 宗教艺术是游离于此岸性与彼岸性之间,介于宗教与艺术之间的精神产品,兼而具有宗教与艺术的两种因素。

    " Religious art " is to visit to leave here of the shore and the other shore , lying between the religion and the art of spirit product , and but have a religion and art of two sow the cause a vegetable .