
  1. 根据这宗令相关方面期待已久的交易,山钢将收购非洲矿业位于塞拉利昂的通科利利(Tonkolili)铁矿石项目25%的股权。

    The long-awaited deal would see Shandong acquire a 25 per cent stake in African Minerals ' Tonkolili iron ore project in Sierra Leone .

  2. 上述差异一直是这两人间不断讨论的话题。他们在过去两年间结成友谊,并最终谈判达成前述交易。这宗交易足以令库姆成为一名亿万富豪,并将这家共有55名员工的初创企业并入Facebook这张社交网络。

    These differences have been a continual topic of discussion for the two men as they developed a friendship over the past two years and ultimately negotiated the deal that would make Mr. Koum a multi-billionaire and bring his 55-person startup inside the social network .