
  • 网络clan association;THE CHongQing HUANG FAMILY ASSOCIATION
  1. 但是,因为中国的共产主义革命废除了宗亲会等传统慈善渠道,他们可以选择的慈善途径并不多。

    But they face a wasteland of charity options because China 's communist revolution dismantled traditional charity channels such as clan associations .

  2. 合艾居民中泰籍华人占多数,主要是客家人、潮州人。华人经济实力雄厚,华人社团组织有二十一个,同乡会及各姓氏宗亲会六十多个。

    The population of Hat Yai has so many Chinese Thai , mainly from Hakka and ChaoZhou , Chinese in Hat Yai own powerful economic strength , there are twenty one Chinese communities , more than sixty associations of fellow town and the surname clan .