
zōnɡ tiāo jì chénɡ
  • inheritance of family lineage
  1. 宗祧继承制度是中国传统的继承制度,立嗣是宗祧继承的重要制度。

    Ancestral inheriting system is the traditional inheriting system of china , heir inheriting is the important regulation of the ancestral inheriting system .

  2. 如继承主体广泛;继承形式多样,财产继承与宗祧继承相区别等。

    Such as the subject of inheritance is extensive ; the forms of inheritance is multiplicity ; the inherited of inheritance and clan is .

  3. 近代财产继承以宗祧继承为核心,秉承传统诸子分家习惯。

    The modern inheritance of property regards inheritance of family line as the core , takes orders inherit tradition that all sons break up the family .

  4. 分家之后,从纵向上看农民祖先崇拜与香火意识减弱,宗祧继承观念淡化,人们的宗族观念、家族意识正在消退。

    At lengthways up the farmer died down the ancestry adoration and joss stick consciousness . They downplay clansmen to inherit idea . People 's clansmen idea and the household consciousness is fading away .

  5. 传统中国法律制度中,由于财产继承受制于宗祧继承,妇女只有对被继承财产的财产监管权、财产承受权和处分同意权。

    In traditional Chinese law system , because the property inherit is restrained by the succession of the headship of a house . To the inherited property , women only have the right of supervision , obtain and agreement .