
  • 网络Religious Ethics
  1. 西方宗教伦理与儒家伦理价值的现实启示

    An Enlightenment of the Western Religious Ethics and Confucian Ethical Value

  2. 西方宗教伦理与儒家政治伦理的价值观比较

    On the Comparison Between Western Religious Ethics and Confucian Political Ethics

  3. 宗教伦理和道德习俗在人民生活中颇有影响。

    Religious ethics and moral customs are influential in daily life .

  4. 洛克财产权利的宗教伦理维度

    John Locke 's Property Rights : A Religious Ethics Dimension

  5. 宗教伦理在解决巴以冲突中的价值体现

    The Value of Religious Ethics in Resolving the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

  6. 宗教伦理思想对弗罗斯特诗歌的影响

    The Influence of the Theological Ethnic on Frost 's Poetry

  7. 中国宗教伦理薄弱之主要原因

    Main Causes for the Weakness of Chinese Religious Ethics

  8. 试析宗教伦理的涵义和问题

    On the Meaning of Religious Ethics and its Problems

  9. 儒家政治伦理讲求内圣外王,突显个体应负有的道德责任和历史使命。儒家政治伦理的价值标准是政治利益,西方宗教伦理的价值标准是宗教信仰。

    Ethic value and ethic aims between western religious ethics and Confucian political ethics .

  10. 中国武侠电影与宗教伦理

    Chinese Martial Arts Movie and Religious Ethic

  11. 印度古代的宗教伦理是东方文化中的重要组成部分。

    The religious ethics of ancient India is an important part in the oriental culture .

  12. 许多人宣称坚守宗教伦理,可是并不身体力行。

    Many people proclaim adherence to a religious ethic but do not live by it .

  13. 采诗之说与西周王权宗教伦理考

    Theory of Cai Shi System and Study on the Crown Religious Ethic in Western Zhou Dynasty

  14. 仪式、禁忌、宗教伦理、宗教团体是宗教规范的四种形式。

    Rituals , taboos , religious ethics , religious groups , religious norms of the four forms .

  15. 而从土掌房的文化内涵角度则可见其体现了家族意识、宗教伦理意识等。

    We also found that the culture of the house reflected the sense of family and religious ethic .

  16. 评马克斯·韦伯社会学中分析近代资本主义起源的两个视角&宗教伦理与制度安排

    An Initial Study of Weber 's Analysis of the Origin of Modern Capitalism Based on Two Sociological Aspects

  17. 全真教还建立了以孝慈为本的宗教伦理道德体系。

    Quan Zhen still establishes the system of religious ethics and virtues on the basis of filial obedience .

  18. 上帝与善同在?&从《独角兽》看默多克宗教伦理道德哲学

    Is " God " Along With " Good "? & On Iris Murdoch 's Religious Moral Philosophy From The Unicorn

  19. 宗教伦理·经济伦理·社会变迁&韦伯《新教伦理与资本主义精神》一书的内在逻辑及评析

    Religious Ethics Economic Ethic Social Changes & A Review of Max Weber 's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

  20. 新教伦理只是提供了一个思维视角,并不具有强势宗教伦理的唯一普遍性。

    Protestantism ethics has only provided a thought angle of view , does not have only universality to the strong trend religion ethics .

  21. 在韦伯看来,西方的法律以形式合理性为特征,它是在资本主义经济、理性的官僚体制以及西方特有的宗教伦理观念等因素的共同作用下形成的;

    In his view , law of formal rationality in west is affected by capitalist , rational system of bureaucracy and ethical concept ;

  22. 在当代的中国,积极引导宗教伦理与社会主义社会相适应不仅是必要的,而且也是可行的。

    In China , nowadays , it is not only necessary but also practicable to guild the religious ethic to adapt to socialist society .

  23. 韦伯在承认经济对法律制度的重要作用的同时,更为强调宗教伦理或者说传统民族精神文化对法律品质形成的影响。

    Weber accepted the function of economy to law also , but he paid more attention to the ethic of religion or conventional culture .

  24. 宗教伦理对日常社会生活特别是经济生活的影响,是韦伯宗教社会学的研究主题。

    How the ethics of religion affects the everyday life , especially economic life is the main theme of Max Weber 's sociology of religion .

  25. 儒家政治伦理讲求意义与自愿,西方宗教伦理讲求理性与自觉。中西传统伦理与现代经济伦理具有良好的契合点和连续性,在批判的基础上,传统伦理可以向经济伦理转化。

    There are joints and continuity between Chinese and western traditional ethics and modern economic ethics , which will result in their transforming to economic ethics .

  26. 晋商从生存阶段到创业阶段及后来的票号发展,宗教伦理一直伴随着,虽然是一个无意识、非刻意的过程。

    Following with religious ethics continuously , the Jin business went from the survival stage to the undertaking stage and money shop development afterwards , although unconsciously .

  27. 韦伯从考察人类的精神文化与社会经济发展之间关系的独特视角出发,追溯了宗教伦理观念对人类行为的影响。

    Weber investigates the human spiritual culture and social economic development from a unique perspective ; traces back to the impact on human behavior of the religious ethics ideas .

  28. 当占星家的个人信仰或宗教伦理观念与客户或学生的信仰相冲突时,要尽可能的折中妥协。

    Astrologers whose personal convictions or religious ethics come into conflict with those of a client or student are alert to the possible compromise of objectivity that may arise .

  29. 另一是「生活世界」,结果指出,可以「基督宗教伦理观影响」和「存有的相契与连续性」作为两者道德思考的关键性因素。

    The conclusion is drawn that the impact of ethical viewpoints of the Christian religion and the connection and continuity of being are the crucial factors in their moral thinking .

  30. 阿奎那经济伦理思想正是成功践行了这一宗教伦理价值观,为中世纪的世俗生活构建了较为稳定与平和的秩序。

    Thomas Aquinas ' economic ethics succeed on practicing the values of religious ethics , and it built a more stable and peaceful order for the life of medieval secular .