
  • 网络religious emotion
  1. 科学原创性如何可能?&爱因斯坦的哲学思想与宇宙宗教情感

    How Can the Scientific Originality Be Possible ? & Einstein 's Philosophy and Universal Religious Emotion

  2. 爱因斯坦源于终极关怀和价值自觉的宇宙宗教情感,是其科学信念和内心自由的依据,而这正是其科学原创性的价值之源。

    Einstein 's universal religious emotion originating from ultimate concern and value consciousness is the basis of his belief on science and inner freedom , which is just the origin of his scientific originality .

  3. 情感特征:一种宗教情感。

    Second , the feeling feature was provided with religious belief .

  4. 二是宗教情感对政治家的政治行为的影响。

    The second one is its influence on the statesmen .

  5. 从石建军的作品中,我们能够读出这种宗教情感。

    In Jianjun Shi 's paintings , we can find such religious sentiment .

  6. 罗马共和国时期宗教情感对政治行为的影响

    Religious Emotions Influence on Political Actions in Roman Republic

  7. 试论艾青诗歌创作中的宗教情感

    On Religion Emotion of Ai Qin 's Poetry

  8. 罗马共和国时期的宗教情感在两个方面对政治行为产生影响。

    In Roman Republic , religious emotions shed influence on political actions in two aspects .

  9. 我喜欢宗教情感的虔诚和真挚,并为如此庄严、神圣的信仰而心存崇敬。

    I like the sincerity of this religious devotion and respect this solemn and sacred belief .

  10. 玉皇文化在中国文化体系中的功能,主要是寄托宗教情感、整合信仰体系和积淀文化成果。

    Its function is to integrate the belief systems , to express religious senses and to accumulate cultural achievement .

  11. 它以其独特的语言方式向人们倾述着各地区、各民族的思想观念、宗教情感、审美情趣等等。

    It reveals the ideological concept , religious feelings and aesthetic interests of all peoples in all regions to us with its distinctive language expressions .

  12. 在这道墙壁面前,康德蹈虚入空,将批判哲学的一般方法在情感方面使之登峰造极,从而宣泄了康德郁积多年的宗教情感。

    On emotion , Kant made the common methods of critical philosophy at the peak , which drove off Kant 's religion emotion deposited many years .

  13. 神话语言对宗教情感的培养是由万物有灵的元语言决定的。

    Cultivation of emotions for religion through the language of myth is decided by the " metalanguage " with a belief that everything in the world has a nimbus .

  14. 但对我来讲,这是宗教情感搞特例的又一明证,即便有特殊待遇又怎样,这只是宗教因素,又不是干了什么坏事。

    But it seems to me that it is also another example of religious sentiment being singled out , even privileged , because it 's religious , not because any kind of wrong has been committed .

  15. 但由于自然压迫和社会压迫的存在以及当时人们认知能力的局限,古希腊人实际上也与世界上其它民族的上古居民一样,心里充满着神圣的宗教情感,宗教信仰仍是他们重要的精神支柱。

    However , with natural and social oppression and limited by people 's knowledge at that time , ancient Greek , like other ancient people in the world , are full of sacred religious sentiment , religious beliefs are their important spiritual pillar .

  16. 宗教的情感如何服务知识?

    How do religious emotions serve knowledge ?

  17. 要想圆满地解决此问题,既要正视耶路撒冷复杂和动荡的政治历史,还应尊重耶路撒冷人特殊的宗教文化情感,更要兼顾阿拉伯和犹太两个民族的现实利益。

    The satisfactory settlement of the issue calls for facing up to the complicated and turbulent political history in Jerusalem , respecting special religious and cultural feelings of the Jerusalem people , and giving attentions to real interests of the Arabs and Jewry as well .

  18. 试论宗教信仰的情感基础

    On the Foundation of the Emotion of the Religious Faith

  19. 第五部分指出美国独特的人文精神是公民宗教形成的情感纽带。

    Part V points out that the unique human spirit is the emotional ties that form civil religion .

  20. 宗教对信徒情感需求的满足是宗教热的强大动力;

    The strong motivity of " religion hot " is that religion satisfies the emotional demands of disciples ;

  21. 因为艺术不仅反映一个民族的政治价值观,还反映出他们的宗教信仰、情感等等。

    Because art reflects not only the political values of a people , but also their religious beliefs , emotions etc.

  22. 公民宗教借助宗教情感、习俗信仰表达社会理想、民族精神和政治信仰,在处理美国宗教与政治关系中发挥着重要作用。

    Civil religion uses religious emotion , custom and belief to express social idea , national spirit and political belief , which plays an important role in dealing with American religious and political relation .

  23. 在法治社会下,在基于正义和宗教信仰的情感下,人类和平才能得以实现,我们才能过上幸福的生活。

    Peace will come when there is realization that only under a reign of law , based on righteousness and supported by the religious conviction of the brotherhood of man , can there be any hope of a complete and satisfying life .

  24. 1920年,他进一步反省其宗教观,发现基督教的宗教情感对于新文化建设的肯定意义,从而把宗教纳入新文化的架构之内。

    Up to 1921 , however , he confirmed the value of Christianity and tried to embrace religion into the framework of new cultural reconstruction .

  25. 本文试图对宗教构成要素之一的宗教信仰的情感基础略作探讨。

    This article will research the foundation of the emotion of the religious faith .

  26. 民间宗教是生活在社会底层的广大民众共有或相通的宗教情感与心理,秘密结社是清中叶以来不断发展壮大的民间社会团体。

    The folk religion was the religious emotion and psychology shared by mass people living at the bottom of society . The secret mass organizations were the folk organizations developing from the middle of Qing Dynasty .

  27. 溶于宗教信仰中的道德实践起始于对上帝之爱所导致的顿悟和神圣的宗教情感,是建立在这种信仰之上的个体精神境界的超拔和升华。

    Ethical practice , integrated in religious faith , originates from epiphany and sacred feeling inspired by love for God , the spiritual elevation and sublimation of the individual .

  28. 因而,从民间原始宗教脱胎而来的楚国诗歌,依然继承着原始宗教艺术的抒情传统,只不过是在更多的时候将宗教情感转变成了审美情感。

    So the poems of Country Chu emerging from popular primitive religion still inherits the tradition of expressing emotions of primitive religious art and it only changes religious emotions to aesthetic emotions for most of the time .