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  • 网络Patriarchal culture;the patriarchal clan culture
  1. 宗法文化与宗法制度论

    On the Patriarchal Clan Culture and Patriarchal System

  2. 略论宋代宗室的宗法文化特征

    On Characteristics of Patriarchal Culture of Royal Clan in Song Dynasty

  3. 正是在这一特定背景下,整合、形成了维吾尔族独特的传统宗法文化。

    The special background formed the special traditional patriarchal culture of Uyghur .

  4. 在宗法文化的背景下,中国古代的服饰有着超越感性需要的伦理追求。

    In the patriarchal society of ancient China , clothes had their ethical pursuit transcending sensibility .

  5. 西北古代少数民族宗法文化起源的主要特征&北方古代游牧民族宗法文化研究之一

    The Main Characteristics of the Patriarchal Cultural Origin of the Ancient Minority Ethnic Groups in Western China

  6. 封建家长制及族权浅析东乡族宗法文化论

    Analysis on the Feudal Patriarch System and Clan Authority On The Patriarchal Culture of the Dongxiang People

  7. 宗法文化,是儒家文化的核心,也是一代唐诗的创作灵魂。

    Patriarchal culture was both the core of Confucian culture and the soul of Tang poetry 's creation .

  8. 他们的悲剧结局反映了宗法文化和传统道德已经脱离时代的客观事实。

    Their tragic ending reflected an objective fact that patriarchal culture and traditional ethics had broken away from the era .

  9. 转型的中国也面临着许多亟待解决的社会问题,宗法文化复活就是其中之一。

    China is also facing many social problem to be solved , the patriarchal culture is one of the resurrection .

  10. 最后,文章的第四部分对传统文化进入现代文明社会后所面临的冲击和挑战,即维吾尔族传统宗法文化的现代承继和变迁情况进行了较详实地分析、说明;

    The fourth of this thesis analyzes and explains the contemporary inheritance and changes of the Uyghur nationality 's traditional patriarchal culture .

  11. 接着,文章的第三部分进一步探讨了维吾尔族传统宗法文化的成因及其特点。

    The third part of this thesis further inquires into the emerging causes and features of the Uyghur nationality 's traditional patriarchal culture .

  12. 由于中国社会封建宗法文化的长期性和稳定性,城市文化笼罩在农村文化、宗法文化的阴影之中。

    Because of the protracted nature and the stability of Chinese feudal culture , the Chinese city culture is long in the shadow of rural culture .

  13. 缘坐制度在展示不同的时代具有代表性刑法的同时,揭示了中国古代法深厚的宗法文化底蕴。

    It also indicates that different representative penal codes exist in different times , discovering the rich details of patriarchal clan in China 's ancient law .

  14. 确立社稷崇拜,将始祖稷作为农业神与土地神一同尊奉,体现了以周王朝为代表的华夏农业文化和宗法文化的结合。

    The commemoration of the land gods and the agriculture gods showed the fundamental characteristic of Zhou that was combined with the agriculture and the patriarchal culture .

  15. 宗法文化作为中国传统文化的核心,对其态度和理解影响着中国文化的发展方向。

    Patriarchal culture as the core of Chinese traditional culture , the attitude of the Chinese culture and the development direction of the creation of " White Deer Prairie " .

  16. 本文分析了东乡族宗法文化的表现形态、主要特点及其成因,并在此基础上提出了复合型宗教性宗法文化的概念。

    Based on analysis of the main forms , characters and causes of the patriarchal culture of the Dongxiang people , this paper puts forward the concept of compound and religious patriarchal culture .

  17. 白鹿原下一代人先后走上了反抗、背叛宗法文化的道路,也毫无例外地走向了各自的悲剧结局。

    The next generation of White Deer Plain embarked on the road of resistance and betrayal of patriarchal culture one after another and was onto the tragic ending of their own without exception .

  18. 《白鹿原》从整体上观照历史,突破了从党派斗争、阶级斗争的角度表现历史生活的狭隘和局限,并描述了原始逼真的宗法文化。

    To consider the history as a whole , White Deer Plain breaks through the historical parochialism and limitation from the view of parties conflict and class struggle , and describes the primitive and vivid patriarchal clan culture .

  19. 家族制度是中华民族几千年来延续流传下来的社会基本组织结构方式,尤其在深受宗法文化和儒家思想影响的关中地区农村,家族制度更是影响着每一个人的命运。

    And the clan system was a basic organizational structure of the society handed down by the Chinese nation for thousands of years , especially for the villages in Guan Zhong Plain , deeply impacted by the patriarchal culture and Confucianism .

  20. 通过对《白鹿原》所展现的宗法文化内涵的阐释研究,可以深入到中华民族的民间历史,窥见20世纪上半叶民众的真实生活状态和艰难的文化心理进程。

    Based on " White Deer Prairie " of patriarchal culture connotation interpretation research into the Chinese nation , the folk history of the 20th century , see the real life of the people and the cultural psychology of difficult process .

  21. 认为经济因素、自然环境因素、宗教文化因素以及多民族思想文化交流是影响其宗法文化的主要原因,同时,这也导致维吾尔族宗法文化具有多元性的复合型特征。

    I believe that there are many major causes , such as economic factor , natural environmental factor , religious factor , cultural factor and so on . Besides , these causes also result in the compound feature of the Uyghur nationality 's culture .

  22. 宗法制度及其文化形态是中国传统文化的核心。

    Patriarchal clan system and its cultural patterns are the core of china 's traditional culture .

  23. 而父子人伦和孝则是血缘宗法制度在伦理文化中的映射。

    The " father of human relations " and " filial piety " is blood in the patriarchal culture in the ethical map .

  24. 乡村情缘是融传统中国社会的宗法制度及儒家文化为一体的一种民族精神,它在长期的社会互动和交往中逐渐形成了中华民族所特有的社会互动模式。

    The farmers ' affection , which unites the patriarchal clan system and the Confucianism to an ethos spirit of the traditional Chinese culture , has always affected Chinese people for a long time so that it has become a distinctive pattern of the rural people 's social relationships .

  25. 北方古代游牧民族丧葬祭祀习俗中的宗法特征&北方古代游牧民族宗法文化研究之四白族本主祭祀仪式象征意义的阐释

    The Patriarchal Characteristics of the Funeral Arrangements and Sacrificial Rites of the Nomadic in Ancient Northern China

  26. 《诗经》与周代宗法性传统宗教的嬗变三代宗法文化向西北少数民族传播论

    On the Evolution of the Patriarchal Religion in Zhou Dynasty from The Book of Songs On the Spreading of Three-generation Patriarchal Clan Culture Among Minority Ethnic Groups in Northwest China