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dà gōng
  • great merit;extraordinary service
大功 [dà gōng]
  • (1) [great merit]∶大功业,大功劳

  • (2) [extraordinary service]∶奖励用语

  • 记大功一次

大功[dà gōng]
  1. 同时,高k阻挡层和大功函数的金属电极一起能够有效的抑制擦除饱和现象。

    Meanwhile , the high k blocking layer along with the high work function metal electrode can effectively suppress the erase saturation .

  2. 超级替补小因斯为诺茨郡爬出降级区立下大功,他在2-0取胜MK唐斯的比赛里打进一球。

    Super sub Thomas Ince made a vital contribution as he helped Notts County climb out of the relegation zone after netting in a2-0 win over MK Dons .

  3. 这不由得让我想起了纪梵希(Givenchy),两位英国年轻设计师,他们对于纪梵希久负盛名的花哨图案与运动装设计立下大功。

    This came to mind at Givenchy . I can think of two British graduates whose work has had a major impact on the Givenchy signature of loud graphics and sportswear cuts .

  4. 仅需相互镶嵌,大功即可告成。

    Only need mutually to inset , have finally come to completion .

  5. 是啊,你得感谢他们。他们可是立了大功!

    Well , you gotta give them credit.They did something real good .

  6. 得到这份合同,你立了大功。

    You did a great job getting the contract .

  7. 人人都瞧着你们,等着你们立下大功。

    Everyone has their eyes on you and are expecting great things from you .

  8. 大功,是指他对中国革命建设和改革的历史性贡献;

    His great accomplishments lie in his historical contribution to China ′ s reforms .

  9. 据说电视曾经为已故的肯尼迪总统在总统大选中获胜立了大功。

    It was said that television helped the late president JFK win his presidential election .

  10. 叫做阿四的伙计回答,脸上发亮,很得意自己的无意中立了大功。

    Ah si 's face shone with satisfaction over the excellent result he had unwittingly produced .

  11. 但是你立了大功。

    But you are my up-and-comer .

  12. 我想你妈是了不起的大功一件,你们说呢,孩子们?

    I think your mother did a heck of a job , what do you think , kids ?

  13. 我现在没有兴致搞凯旋阅兵式,大功尚未告成。

    I am not in the mood for a victory parade . We aren 't at the end yet .

  14. 禹因有大功于人民,被尊称为“大禹”,并因此被舜选为接班人。

    Yu was revered as Yu the Great for his achievement and selected to succeed to the throne by Shun .

  15. 高压变频器可以实现高电压的输出,这样便为高压大功功率装置的使用提供了一个有效的方法。

    High-voltage converters implement the output of high voltage , providing effective means for the usage of high-voltage high-power equipments .

  16. 宙斯为了警示人类自负的弱点,以那只立了大功的蝎子命名了一个星座,叫天蝎座。

    Zeus gave a name to this scorpion , that is , Scorpio as constellation to warn people not to be arrogant .

  17. 耶稣是神的儿子,祂为我们的缘故完成了救赎大功,所以父神接纳我们。

    Because Jesus is God 's Son and he completed his saving work for our sake , God the Father approves of us .

  18. 整个大功就在你周围!你可以把自己限制在藩篱之内,但你永远不能把世界限制在落入藩篱之外。

    The wide world is all about you : you can fence yourself in , but you cannot for ever fence it out .

  19. 在如何减刑中,先从悔改表现、立功、立大功三个层面详细论述减刑的标准。

    Secondly , it analyses the standard of commutation in three layers that is true repentance , meritorious performance and the major meritorious performance .

  20. 肯尼迪遇刺时,基辛格认为,如果肯尼再任一届总统的话,大概不是立大功,就是闯大祸。

    At the time of Kennedy 's assassination , Kissinger felt that a second term would have led either to greatness or to disaster .

  21. 老头子接见布拉西就像国王接见一个立了大功的臣民一样;态度绝不是亲热,而是带着国王的尊严。

    The Don received Brasi as a king greets a subject who has done him an enormous service , never familiar but with regal respect .

  22. 她在400米混合泳接力赛中游的是蝶泳,但其实立大功的还属蛙泳和自由泳段。

    She swam the butterfly leg on the400-meter medley relay team , but it was really the breaststroke and freestyle legs that made the difference .

  23. 他们知道,当神看他们时,祂见到的是祂儿子完美的大功,祂必因此接纳我们。

    And they know that when God looks at them , he will see his Son 's perfect work and look on them with divine favor .

  24. 司马懿初为曹操的文学掾,在征伐张鲁时立大功。

    Sima Yi began his career as Secretary of Literature under Lord Cao . Sima 's first military action was against Zhang Lu in Hanzhong . Sima Yi 's strategies were a success and Lord Cao was greatly impressed .

  25. 宴会设有歌唱舞台,可让出席者大演唱功

    Karaoke was set up to allowed presenters to sing on the stage .

  26. 或许下个夏天他就会加入科比、KG和大基本功先生的队伍中去。

    Maybe he ought to have joined Kobe , KG , and Big Fundamental last summer .

  27. “大基本功”将带着他的五个NBA总冠军,两个MVP,三个总决赛MVP奖杯和15次全明星前往斯普林菲尔德。

    The Big Fundamental will head to Springfield with his five NBA titles , two MVP awards , three Finals MVP trophies and 15 All-Star appearances .

  28. 大冲击功液动锤的研究及其应用

    Research on Large Impact Energy Hydro - hammer and its Application

  29. 大干扰功角稳定通常又称暂态稳定,是电力系统安全稳定运行的基础,暂态稳定控制是电力系统安全稳定运行的一道重要屏障。

    Angle stability under large disturbances is always called transient stability and is the foundation of the operation of the power systems .

  30. 准一维硅纳米材料长径比大且功函数较低,但是由于其热导率差,在场发射器件应用上受到限制。

    Quasi-one-dimensional silicon nanostructures have high aspect ratio and low work function , but due to the low thermal conductivity the application of silicon in field emission has been restricted .