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  1. 大射野、大深度~(60)Coγ射线照射条件下组织-空气比的公式计算

    Formulae calculation of tissue air ratio of large depths and fields sizes for cobalt 60 γ rays

  2. DSL-SP大射流水炮开发设计

    Development and Design of DSL-SP Large Water Jet Canon

  3. 结果表明在低静床高、大射流气速下易出现喷流;

    There were two flow patterns of jet and spout in a large jetting fluidized bed with increasing jet gas velocity .

  4. 并与Boyd[1]等报道的实验结果进行了比较,在大掠射角时二者符合较好。

    The theory was compared with experimental results in paper , they agreed very well in large grazing angle .

  5. 中枢应用一氧化氮对大鼠射乳反射的抑制性作用及其作用部位

    Inhibitory effect of central application of nitric oxide on rat 's milk - ejection reflex and location of its action

  6. 结果表明:冷气掺混具有降低排气温度和混合管壁面温度的双重作用,其降温效果在大引射流量比下更为显著;

    The results show that ambient air mixing plays a dual role for reducing the exhaust temperature and mixing duct temperature .

  7. 试验结果表明,数字纠正方法能够产生山区优质的大比例尺正射影象地形图。

    Experimental results have shown that digital rectification can be used for producing high quality large scall orthophoto maps in mountainous area .

  8. 结果:心气虚模型组、D-gal+心气虚组大鼠左室射血分数(EF)、左室短轴缩短率(FS)均明显降低(P<0.05),左室收缩功能明显下降。

    Results : The ejection fraction and fraction shortening of the rat models were significantly decreased ( P < 0.05 ), and its left ventricular systolic function was descendants distinctly .

  9. 当焊接电流大于140A时,熔滴过渡从大滴转变为射滴过渡。

    When the welding current goes beyond 140A , the metal transfer mode changed from globule transfer to spray transfer .

  10. 若两平面向外凸,能得到剪切差大的平行出射的o、e光。

    If two flats are convex , big shear difference is obtained .

  11. 后者利用大入射(掠射)角以提高反射率。

    The latter , large an - gles of incidenc ( glancing incidence ) are utilized for intensifying the reflectivity .

  12. 在给出纠正实例的基础上,对利用遥感卫星影像制作大比例尺系列正射影像图进行了评价。

    At last , the applicability of remote sensing satellites images is evaluated based on the production of lage scale imagery map series .