
  • 网络beautiful stones
  1. 金沙出土的美石,多与金器、玉器、铜器等放置在一起,表明它们也是金沙人用作通神的灵物。

    The beautiful stones unearthed from Jinsha site were placed with gold articles or jade items , which indicates they are used as the media between deities and human in sacrificial rituals .

  2. 在规模较大的一宗和解案中,南卡罗来纳州的联邦检察官于今年1月同意将57辆豪车,连同数十万美元返还给陈宏(音)和他名下总部位于弗吉尼亚州的美石集团(MayrockGroup)。

    In one of the bigger settlements , federal prosecutors in South Carolina agreed in January to return 57 luxury cars and hundreds of thousands of dollars to Hong Chen and his Mayrock Group , which is based in Virginia .

  3. 秀水、美石和奇洞。水从水箱的洞中迸出。

    Clear water , mystic crags and grotesque caves .

  4. 桂林的景色以“青山,碧水,美石,怪洞”为特色。

    The landscape in Guilin is characterized by its " green hills , clear waters , pretty rocks , and grotesque caves " .

  5. 秀水、美石和奇洞。康河,我敢说是全世界最秀丽的一条水。

    Clear water , mystic crags and grotesque caves . The River Cam , I would venture to say , is the most beautiful river in the world .