
shì dú
  • Interpretation;do textual research and explication
释读 [shì dú]
  • [textual research and explain] 指考证并解释古文字

  1. 海洋沉积环境和物源的元素地球化学记录释读

    Interpretation of Element Geochemical Records of Marine Sedimentary Environment and Provenance

  2. 关于傣族丧葬习俗的特点和释读

    The Unique Features in Dai People 's Funerals and Their Interpretation

  3. 《东方杂志》知识分子对近代新闻传媒的释读

    Interpretation of Modern Media by Intellectuals from The Eastern Miscellany

  4. 《图书馆服务宣言》中平等服务原则释读

    Explanation for the Equal Service Principle in Library Services Manifesto

  5. 再者就某个字的释读,提出自己的浅见。

    Furthermore interpret some word , propose own shallow view .

  6. 《黄色糊墙纸》中的象征意象释读

    An Interpretation of the Symbolic Images in The Yellow Wallpaper

  7. 对于传统水墨画语言的再释读

    A New Explanation of the Water and Ink Language in the Traditional Paintings

  8. 同时,文字的释读也成为一个重要课题。

    Interpretation of the text at the same time became an important issue .

  9. 佛教美术中的维摩诘题材释读

    A Reading of Vimalakirti Images in the Buddhist Arts

  10. 殖民话语的隐性书写&多丽丝·莱辛作品中的空间释读

    Implicit Writing of Colonial Discourse : Reading Space in Doris Lessing 's Works

  11. 经典释读的多元化无疑是可能的,也是必须的。

    The diversity of interpretation of the classic is no doubt possible and necessary .

  12. 消解释读是一种在商业文化中进行的对原始文本的阅读活动。

    Annotating reading is a reading activity on original text in the commercial culture .

  13. 透过汉语表层结构释读其深层文化信息

    The Interpretation of the Deep Cultural Information through the External Formation of Chinese Language

  14. 古文字材料在古书释读中的重要作用举例

    Examples Illustrating the Great Function of Ancient Writing Materials in Interpretation of Ancient Classics

  15. 二是对战国时代刀币家族的文字释读。

    Second is the Warring States Period knife coins family Interpretation of the text .

  16. 撑竿跳高技术释读

    The Interpretation of The Pole Vault Technique

  17. 人物驭龙与四鸟绕日的释读

    Exegesis of Two Jades of Character Driving the Dragon and Four Birds Circling the Sun

  18. 出版传媒具有深刻的人文内涵及独特的意蕴释读方式。

    The publication media has the profound humanities connotation and the unique implication exegesis way .

  19. 一旦释读之后,商以前的历史将更为清晰。

    The decoding of them will tell us more about China before the Shang Dynasty .

  20. 大云寺壁画《五戒本生》释读

    Interpretation of the Fresco " Five Buddist Principles Origin " in the Da Yun Temple

  21. 大地与内心的歌者&对冉冉诗歌的一种释读

    A Singer of Nature and Innermost Being & An Interpretation of Poetry by Ran Ran

  22. 从释读的过程中,我们可以了解到一种特殊的哲学书写手法。

    In the process of reading , we can see a specific tact of philosophical writing .

  23. 首先,文章对包装设计新形象文化内涵进行了释读和分析。

    Firstly , the paper analyzes the connotation of the new image culture of package design .

  24. 人们在对图像的构建的过程中也完成了对图像的释读。

    People in the process of construction of the image also completed an Interpretation of the image .

  25. 据信,陶符文字的释读仅仅是一个时间问题。

    It is believed that the decoding of these earlier forms is only a matter of time .

  26. 其中齐国的大刀币上的铭文的释读,众专家学者有不同的看法。

    Qi knives coins which the reading of the inscriptions , all experts and scholars have different views .

  27. 母法观念释读&宪法与法律关系新解

    Interpretation of the Idea of Parent Law & On Relation between Constitution and Common Laws in New Light

  28. 有鉴于此,笔者将尝试对其中一个较为特殊的本子进行释读。

    In view of this , the author attempts to one of the more special book for the circulation .

  29. 这一时期的《论语》释读类型多样、方法不一。

    During this period , the development of " Analects of Confucius " appears many types and different ways .

  30. 从物象空间到心灵空间&石涛片石山房设计释读

    From Material Space to Soul Space & Interpreting the Garden of Pian Shi Shan Fang Designed by Shi Tao