
  • Beauty and the Beast;Beauty and Beast;Beauty & The Beast
  1. 迪斯尼出品的电影《美女与野兽》赢得了众多好评。

    Disney 's ' Beauty And The Beast ' has won rave reviews

  2. 根据BoxOfficeMojo(亚马逊旗下系统性统计票房的网站)统计,自1991年迪斯尼的动画长片《美女与野兽》上映以来,该电影票房总收入达4.25亿美元。

    Disney 's animated Beauty and the Beast has grossed nearly $ 425 million since its 1991 release , according to Box Office Mojo .

  3. 斯德哥尔摩综合症的故事:美女与野兽在一起。

    The Stockholm Syndrome6 Story : Beauty and the Bestiality .

  4. 其中,最耳熟能详的当然是《小美人鱼》(TheLittleMermaid)、《狮子王》(TheLionKing)和《美女与野兽》(BeautyandtheBeast)。

    There was the little mermaid , the lion king , beauty and the beast , and many others .

  5. 据NPR新闻的埃莉诺·比尔兹利报道,这本名为《美女与野兽》的新书预计于周三出版。

    NPR 's Eleanor Beardsley reports that " Beauty and the Beast " is set for release on Wednesday .

  6. 在与马来西亚当局的一轮对峙中,沃尔特?迪士尼公司(WaltDisney)从该国电影院撤下了《美女与野兽》(BeautyandtheBeast)。这一冲突凸显出跨国公司正越来越多地与亚洲保守的反同性恋态度发生冲突。

    Walt Disney has pulled Beauty and the Beast from cinemas in Malaysia in a stand-off with authorities that underlines how multinationals are increasingly coming into conflict with conservative hostility to homosexuality in Asia .

  7. 这也创造了原创剧集最新的低收视记录,之前这个杯具的记录是被CW的美剧《美女与野兽》上周的回归集保持,成绩是140万观众收看。

    That 's a new series low for an original episode and down sharply from the 1.4 million viewers a rerun of the " Beauty and the Beast " premiere gave CW in the slot last week .

  8. 真是“美女与野兽”的现代版

    It 's very " beauty and the beast " thematically .

  9. 学生讨论考克多的电影《美女与野兽》。

    Student talks about Cocteau 's film , Beauty & the Beast .

  10. 美女与野兽曾经是一样的,曾经是个惊人之事

    Beauty and the beast Ever just the same , ever a surprise

  11. 就是参加“美女与野兽”剧目的试演会

    To audition for " Beauty and the beast . "

  12. 我宁愿看美女与野兽。

    I wouid rather watch beautician and the beast .

  13. 第三级是美女与野兽。

    And level three is Beauty and the Beast .

  14. 《美女与野兽》动画版于1991年首映。

    The animated version of Beauty and the Beast came out in 1991 .

  15. 艾玛汤普森在真人版《美女与野兽》中饰演波茨太太(茶壶夫人)。

    Emma Thompson to play Mrs. Potts in live-action Beauty And The Beast .

  16. 《美女与野兽》中的美人:内在美才是真的美。

    Belle : It isn 't about beauty ; it is about what 's within .

  17. 古老的传说,古老的歌韵,美女与野兽。

    Tale as old as time , Song as old as rhyme , beauty the beast .

  18. 现在,让我们再次进入《美女与野兽》所营造的幻境之中吧。

    Now let 's us step into the fairyland created by Beauty and the Beast once again .

  19. 美女与野兽

    Beauty and the Beast

  20. 就像动画片《美女与野兽》里的那一幕。事实上,我们用的就是同名主题曲。

    Like that scene from " Beauty and the beast . " Actually , that was the song .

  21. 你愿意今天晚上和我一起去看电影《美女与野兽》吗?

    Would you like to come and see the movie " Beauty and the Beast " with me tonight ?

  22. 本周根据童话故事《美女与野兽》改编的真人电影正在热映中。

    A live-action film based on the fairy tale " Beauty and the Beast " is hitting theaters this week .

  23. 尽管如此,这门课上也会放映《白雪公主和七个小矮人》和《美女与野兽》。

    This one , though , also includes showings of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Beauty and the Beast .

  24. 当《美女与野兽》的第一支预告片在去年发布时,仅一天时间就收获了1.3亿点击量。

    When the first Beauty and the Beast trailer was released last year it had almost 130m views in 24 hours .

  25. 最近已经问世的订婚戒分别为:睡美人、白雪公主、灰姑娘、茉莉公主以及小美人鱼与《美女与野兽》的贝拉。

    The current six rings that have been unveiled are for Sleeping Beauty , Snow White , Cinderella , Jasmine , Ariel and Belle .

  26. 这位出演《美女与野兽》的明星的一名发言人证实,她的确有照片被偷了,但丢的是她试穿各种衣服的照片。

    A spokesman for the Beauty and the Beast star confirmed the pictures - which show her trying on various outfits - were stolen .

  27. 电影《美女与野兽》于1991年面市,是影史上唯一一部提名奥斯卡“最佳影片奖”的动画电影。

    The film Beauty and the Beast was released in1991 and is the only animated film ever nominated for the Best Picture Academy Award .

  28. 看起来很像是《美女与野兽》或者《睡美人》的拍摄场景,里面有石制的塔台,整修的花园,以及一个巨大的大理石大厅。

    Lookinglike the setting for Beauty and the Beast or Sleeping Beauty , the propertyfeatures stone turrets , manicured gardens and a magnificent marble lobby .

  29. 斯特劳斯·卡恩的律师表示,他们就侵犯私生活起诉雅各布和出版商,寻求法院没收《美女与野兽》。

    Strauss-Kahn 's lawyers said they will seek the seizure of the book after suing Iacub and her publisher for an attack on his private life .

  30. 沃特森的新作《美女与野兽》即将于本月上映,她称这些尖酸刻薄的话也着实让自己震惊。

    Watson , whose " Beauty and the Beast " remake comes out this month , said she was stunned by the vitriol she 's received .