
yuè qì zhì zào
  • musical instrument making
  1. 她是一位乐器制造家,也把制作木雕当成一种职业。

    She 's a musical instrument maker , and she does a lot of wood carving for a living .

  2. 密西西比州(以莓系属的牧草著名)虽然不是艺术家的故乡,但是有大量的音乐家,虽然不像田纳西州那么多。田纳西州在乐器制造上蒸蒸日上,这和密西西比州一样。

    Though home to few artists , Mississippi ( famous for bluegrass ) has quite a number of musicians , though not as many as Tennessee & which also does a thriving line in musical-instrument-mak in g.

  3. 长号,短号,粗管短号以及很多喇叭状的其他乐器被制造和演奏。

    There are cornets bugles , flugelhorns , and a number of others that are all similar to the trumpet in the way they are made and played .

  4. 这些乐器没有德国制造的。

    None of the musical instruments are made in Germany .

  5. 我国与野生动物资源紧密相关的产业有野生动物养殖、传统医药、特种皮革、民族乐器、工艺品制造、观赏旅游等,在国民经济发展中占据主要地位。

    The using of wildlife resources are related with many industries , such as foods , traditional Chinese medicine , special leather , national music instrument , craftwork manufacture and so on .

  6. 人声是世界上所有乐器中最富情感的,一直以来,乐器制造者和作曲家们都毕生致力于创作出一种能体现人声的音域和精髓的声音。

    Instrument makers and composers have long devoted their lives to creating sounds that capture the range and essence of the most emotional instrument of all : the human voice .

  7. 对当今定型铜管乐器艺术(包括管乐器演奏家、管乐作曲家、管乐器制造家)进行了梳理。

    It also concludes the art of nowadays'brass instruments , wind instrument performer , composer and producer , and presents opinions on use of various kinds of brass instruments .