
  • 网络music drama;musikdrama
  1. 由于此套歌曲与他的《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》属于同时期、同背景的创作,在歌曲创作中,作曲家运用了类似乐剧的手法,如核心动机、半音和声、无终旋律、管弦乐等。

    It was composed in the same time and background as < Tristan and Isolde > , so the similar methods of ' music drama ' had been applied to the series of songs such as nuclear motive , semitone harmony , continuous melody and orchestra .

  2. 百年经典历久弥新&评2006拜罗伊特瓦格纳乐剧节

    A Review of the 2006 Wagner Music Drama Festival in Bayreuth

  3. 论华格纳乐剧里的浪漫与现实

    Romanticism and Realism : On the Musical Drama of Richard Wagner

  4. 他创作的《乐剧》是一种新艺术形式,将戏剧、语言和音乐结合在一起。

    His creation in the musical drama is a kind of new art form , mixing well together drama , language , and music .

  5. 德沃夏克·安托宁(DvorakAntonin),一个在交响曲、室内乐、清唱剧、歌剧领域都倍受关注的捷克民族乐派的代表人物。

    Antoninus ( Dvorak Antonin ), a symphony , chamber music , oratorios , operas closely watched areas of the Czech national school representatives .