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  • 网络Lelang;music wave
  1. 乐浪国传说研究

    Study on the Legend of the Le-lang State

  2. 乐浪觉得人人都带着有色眼镜看待他们,老师们袒护的永远是精英班的学生。

    While Le Lang felt that everyone was prejudiced against them , and the teachers always favoured the brilliant students .

  3. 《三国史记.高句丽本纪》中的乐浪国纪事有很重的传说成份,这主要是受内地传说影响演变而成的;

    The recorder of Le-lang State in Biography of Koguryo in History of the Three Kingdoms has a very strong legend components , mainly was affected by the mainland legend ;