
  1. 颁奖时,伴奏乐则换成了皇后乐队(Queen)的《WeAreTheChampions》。

    As he was given his trophy , they played We Are The Champions by Queen .

  2. 而瓷乐则是景德镇人的另一项创举。

    Porcelain music is another creation of Jingdezhen people .

  3. 快乐凭藉外在的景况,喜乐则源自与神的相交。

    Happiness depends on external circumstances , but joy is based on your relationship to God .

  4. 礼规定了社会中贵贱尊卑的等级差异,乐则在等级社会中发挥调和的作用。

    Rites set down social class differences , while music was a mediator in the society of all classes .

  5. 而民族地区的农家乐则以各种形式出现,还处于全国平均水平之下。

    However , farmhouse touring in areas of ethnic groups emerges in different forms and is below the average level of the whole country .

  6. 摇滚乐迷通常比较有艺术气质或者反叛、古典乐爱好者则较有文化修养,而说唱乐迷则比较有运动天赋,但容易产生对立情绪。

    People often view rock fans as artistic or rebellious , classical buffs as intellectual and rap followers as athletic or hostile .

  7. 幻想使人乐,想象则使我们开阔和升华。

    Fancy amuses ; imagination expands and exalts us .

  8. 安赛乐米塔尔则寻求收购煤矿,以确保煤炭这一生产钢材所必需的原料处于合理价格水平。

    ArcelorMittal is seeking to buy mines to secure its steelmaking ingredients at reasonable prices .

  9. 窑洞式宾馆“农家乐”,则为广大游客提供充满山乡风情的独特服务。

    Cave-style hotel ," Farm Fun ", is filled with vast numbers of visitors the unique style of service Shan .

  10. 我想摇摇乐什么的东西则是对此的回应了。

    The shakes and stuff are a reaction to that , I think .

  11. 夫乐杀人者,则不可以得志于天下矣。

    He who delights in slaughter will not succeed in his ambition to rule the world .

  12. 乐史图说四则&骨哨、骨笛、陶钟和夔鼓图像的相关描述

    Four Points about Historical Pictures & The Related Description of Bone Whistle , Bone Flute , Earthen Bell and Crocodile Skin Drum Picture

  13. 舞蹈是我国古代所称“乐”的重要组成部分,而乐则是一种综合艺术形态。

    Dance is an important part of the ancient Chinese term " Yue "( music ), which is a comprehensive art form .