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  1. 口头之言便捷,但缺乏持久性。

    The spoken word is immediate but lacks permanence .

  2. 雍之言然。

    Yong 's words are right .

  3. 他轻声在她耳畔倾吐爱恋之言。

    He breathed words of love into her ear .

  4. 年轻人有时把父母的苦口婆心之言当作耳边风。

    Young people sometimes seem to turn a deaf ear to the words of their anxious parents .

  5. 别认为这些话都是戏谑之言;请相信你们给我带来了莫大的快乐以及我对你们的深切感谢。

    Don 't take all this too jocosely , but believe in the extreme pleasure you have caused me , and in the affectionate feelings .

  6. 因此,也有人认为与网恋相比,还是传统的“媒灼之言”更值得信赖,真实世界的爱情更加“保险”。

    Therefore , some people believe , compared with on-line affection , the traditional matchmakers are more trustworthy , and affection in real life is more stable .

  7. 这位17岁来自佐治亚州Alpharetta高中的高三学生MichelleIzmaylov的经验之言。

    Izmaylov , a senior at Alpharetta High School in Alpharetta , Georgia , speaks from experience .

  8. 波爱修的存在(Esse)概念,既是对柏拉图和亚里士多德哲学思想的融会,更是对《出埃及记》中上帝之言的倾听。

    Boethius ' conception of Esse is not only an understanding of Plato and Aristotle but also the obedience to God 's words in Exodus ( 3 : 14 ) .

  9. 解脱至要:那是诸佛之言。

    Liberation is foremost : that 's what the Buddhas say .

  10. 同样的,救恩之言离我们也不远。

    Even so the word of our salvation is near to us ;

  11. 要想找到答案,且听市场之言。

    To find an answer , listen to the markets .

  12. 赞美之言,上帝啊,让所到之处都充满光明。

    Send forth Your Word , Lord and let there be light .

  13. 希拉里的这句嘲讽对手之言是否真的说中了哪?

    Might Mrs Clinton have been right about her foe ?

  14. 临终之言-强化圣疗术改名为临终之言。

    Last Word-Name changed from Improved Lay on Hands to Last Word .

  15. 我越琢磨她的智慧之言,

    The more I ploughed through her words of wisdom ,

  16. 如果你的看法不同,请不必介意我的牢骚之言。

    If you don 't agree with me , please forget my grouse .

  17. 501.有常识的联邦政府不再使用不寻常的陈腐之言。

    501 . The commonsense commonwealth government no longer uses the uncommon commonplace .

  18. 请把我的赞美之言转告给你的师父。

    Do pass my compliments on to your master .

  19. 你亵渎神明之言已经给我们招来不少麻烦。

    Your blasphemies have cost us quite enough already .

  20. 我的嘴决不说非义之言,我的舌也不说诡诈之语。

    My lips shall not speak wickedness , nor my tongue utter deceit .

  21. 赞美之言能向别人表示出你很友好。

    Compliments can show others that you are friendly .

  22. 今天流行的时髦话明天常常成为陈腐之言。

    The fashionable remarks of today often become the commonplace expressions of tomorrow .

  23. 反对新政府的挑衅之言。

    A truculent speech against the new government .

  24. 那么又何出另类之言?

    But why is he called an exception ?

  25. 不要轻易听信他人之言。

    Don 't go by what others say .

  26. 今天,当你要讲一句不善之言-请想想那些无法讲话的人。

    Today before you say an unkind word-Think of someone who can 't speak .

  27. 赞美之言是敞开对话大门的一个很好的方式。

    Compliments can be a great way to open the door to a conversation .

  28. 你的这些无礼之言该收起来了。

    That 's enough of your smart talk .

  29. 在道家,是忘言与与之言的契合;

    Among Taoists , it is the agreement of forgotten words and given words ;

  30. adj.损毁的;诽谤的我无法忍受他对我弟弟个性的诽谤之言。

    derogatory I can 't bear his derogatory remarks about my brother 's character .