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  • 【地名】【中国】Liangxiang
  1. 北京地区大学校园植物配置初探&以首都师范大学良乡新校区园林规划设计方案为例北京林业大学风景园林专业园林树木学B课程教学改革初探

    Plant Arrangements for University Campus Greening in Beijing : A Case Study on the Landscape Planning and Design Program of Capital Normal University Liangxiang Campus Preliminary Practice on Reform of Landscape Dendrology B in Major of Landscape Architecture , Beijing Forestry University

  2. 通过对两个地点多组样品的系统分析,揭示了北京良乡两采样点的APM特征、元素富集程度以及两地污染源类型。

    Through the system analysis , it announced APM 's character , elements enrichment degree and style of pollutant source of the two sampling sites in Liangxiang of Beijng .

  3. 北京房山良乡试验区的试验表明,Kappa系数为0.912,总精度为0.938;

    The experiment results of the test region in Fangshan county of Beijing demonstrate the accuracy of the classification and change information extraction are relatively high . The Kappa coefficient is 0.912 , the overall accuracy is 0.938 and change information error is 13.69 % .

  4. 基于临界分析论环境优美乡镇的环境规划&以常德市石门县子良乡为例

    Discussion on the Environmental Planning of Fine Towns Based on Threshold Analysis

  5. 顺义地裂缝成因与顺义-良乡断裂北段第四纪活动性讨论

    Quaternary Activities of Northern Segment of the Shunyi-Liangxiang Fault

  6. 新地里遗址位于浙江省桐乡市留良乡湾里村。

    Xindili site is located at Wanli Village , Liuliang Town , Tongxiang City of Zhejiang Province .

  7. 沿北京顺义-良乡断裂北段存在地表破裂带。

    There exists a ground rupture zone along north section of the Shunyi Liangxiang fault zone near Beijing .

  8. 优质诚信创一流&记飞速发展的北京市房山区良乡医院

    First-class service created by quality and sincerity / fiath & A record on rapidly developing Liangxiang Hospital , Fangshan District , Beijing City

  9. 通过野外、室内一定数量的光谱测试及其化学成分鉴定,详细地分析和研究山东招远东良乡潮棕壤土光谱特点,认为该土属沙土和沃土的混合。

    Through soil spectral and chemical analysis , it is found that the brown soil in Dongling Xiang , Zhaoyuan , Shangdong is sandy loam .

  10. 环境优美乡镇和生态村建设若干法律问题研究基于临界分析论环境优美乡镇的环境规划&以常德市石门县子良乡为例

    Researching the Legal Aspects of the Construction of Environmentally Refined Counties and Eco-villages ; Discussion on the Environmental Planning of Fine Towns Based on Threshold Analysis

  11. 特别值得注意的是,此次活动有两大亮点:一是良乡分部建立了排号机制,使得现场秩序井然。

    The two particular highlights of this event were : First , Liangxiang Division established a mechanism in order , making the scene in an orderly manner .

  12. 除此外,房山区内还有两个工业园区,即良乡工业区和石油化工新材料基地,这些都将是未来房山的主要产业。

    In addition In addition , there are two industrial parks Fangshan area of the jail and petrochemical industrial zone new material base , These will be the future Fangshan major industries .

  13. 学校占地面积136.92万平方米,另有北京良乡校区建设用地152.83万平方米、珠海校区建设用地333万平方米。学校校舍建筑面积91.24万平方米,校图书馆藏书217万册。

    The main campus of BIT occupies floor space of 724000 square meters.an area of 1 369200 square meter The construction area fior Liangxiang Campus The construction area for Zhuhai is 3330000 collection ofi more than 2170000 items .

  14. 在调研北京五所大学新校区的基础上,选择北京工商大学良乡校区和中央财经大学沙河校区两个典型案例进行重点分析。

    The paper chooses Beijing Technology and Business University in Liangxiang and the Central University of Finance and Economics in Shahe as two typical cases to analysis , this is based on the study of five universities in Beijing .

  15. 在北京工商大学良乡新校区图书馆的设计过程中,结合使用功能、消防规范、面积控制,多次推敲调整,逐步形成一个具有一定通用性的功能模块的概念。

    In the library design process about the new school of the Industry and Business university in Beijing , a concept of certainly general function molding , which is combined with using function , fire protection norm , area control and lots of adjustment , is formed gradually .