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liáng zhī
  • conscience;intuitive knowledge;good friend;innate knowledge and sense of right and wrong
良知 [liáng zhī]
  • (1) [conscience]∶天赋的道德观念

  • 所不虑而知也,良知也。--《孟子.尽学》

  • (2) [good friend;innate knowledge and sense of right and wrong; intuitiveknowledge]∶好友;知己

  • 我志谁与亮,赏心惟良知。--谢灵运《游南亭》

良知[liáng zhī]
  1. “良知”是阳明心学的重要范畴。

    " Intuitive knowledge " is an important category of Yangming 's psychology .

  2. 良知与种子:王阳明思想之中的植物隐喻

    " Intuitive Knowledge " and " Seed ": Plant Metaphor in Wang Yangming 's Ideology

  3. 埃米莉亚在这出戏中是良知的代言人。

    Emilia is the voice of conscience in the play .

  4. 她是这么一种少见的人:有社会良知的政治家。

    She is that rare bird : a politician with a social conscience .

  5. 这关系个人的良知。

    This is a matter of individual conscience .

  6. 看到有些罪犯还有良知让人感到欣慰。

    It 's pleasing to see some criminals have a conscience .

  7. 《每日邮报》的头版标题为“良知的声音”。

    The Daily Mail has the headline ' The Voice of Conscience '

  8. 在这个问题上,道德和良知互不相容。

    Here , morality and good sentiments clash headlong .

  9. 而他从青年时期一直到老年都始终保持着强烈的社会良知。

    But he has sustained his fierce social conscience from young adulthood through old age

  10. 我们遵从了自己的良知,尽到了自己的义务。

    We have followed the dictates of our consciences and have done our duty .

  11. 这个问题关系到平等、机遇和民族良知。

    This is an issue of equality , opportunity and national conscience .

  12. 行政人员伦理包括行政义务和行政良知。

    Administrator ethic includes administrative incumbency and administrative conscience .

  13. 他们要么找不到良知产品(ethicalgoods),要么这类产品太贵,要么就是孩子分散了他们的注意力。

    They could not find the ethical goods , or they were too expensive , or the kids distracted them .

  14. 今天,面对干旱和冲突给非洲之角(HornofAfrica)带来的饥荒,我们的良知要求我们采取行动。

    And today , as drought and conflict have brought famine to the Horn of Africa , our conscience calls on us to act .

  15. 就像慈善腕带一样,今天的良知消费者大张旗鼓地宣扬他们的良好品德,炫耀其闪闪发光的RED标志美国运通卡,展示生态服装上的标签,驾驶混合动力车满世界游荡而不是去乘坐公共汽车。

    As with those wristbands , today 's ethical consumers parade their virtue , brandishing their bright red American Express cards , flaunting the labels on their eco-friendly clothes and driving around in their hybrid cars instead of just taking the bus .

  16. 泰州学派有一个总的原则就是持良知现成说。

    Taizhou school is a general principle that a conscience ready .

  17. 金字塔的秘密就象遥不可及的良知。

    The mystery of the pyramids is that of unattainable conscience .

  18. 我甚至怀疑你们是否还存有一点良知。

    I even wonder if there was conscience in your heart .

  19. 474.那个能干的古代科学家在科学上有良知。

    474 . The efficient ancient scientist had conscience in science .

  20. 王阳明致良知与理想人格的实现

    Wang Yangming 's Inducing by Conscience and Implementation of Ideal Personality

  21. 没有内疚感就等于没有良知。

    To be without guilt is to be without a conscience .

  22. 良知购物的缘起其实不难猜测。

    The origins of virtuous shopping are not hard to fathom .

  23. 其从业者应被允许行使他们的个人良知。

    Its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience .

  24. 达尔富尔的种族灭绝使我们所有的良知蒙羞。

    The genocide in Darfur shames the conscience of us all .

  25. 文人是社会的良知,君子忧道。

    Literati is the social conscience , who worry about TRUE .

  26. 传统与转型:坚守正义、守护良知和维护荣誉

    Tradition and Transformation : Upholding Justice , Protecting Conscience and Safeguarding Honor

  27. 良知坎陷说解决的只是一个历史问题,而不是认识论问题。

    The Tricked only solved a historical question , rather than epistemology .

  28. 王阳明良知学说阐释

    The Interpretation of Wang Yangming 's Doctrine of Innate Knowledge

  29. 他彰显了无比的政治良知和道德勇气。

    He demonstrated enormous political conscience and morality with courage .

  30. 那就是你的良知,请一定遵从它。

    This is your conscience , and be sure and obey it .