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  • 网络gannan area
  1. 论江西文化景观遗产的保护&以赣南地区为例

    On Jiangxi Cultural Landscape Inheritance Protection & Take Gannan Area as Example

  2. 论赣南在客家民系形成和发展中的地位

    The Position of Hakkas Settlement and Development in Gannan Area

  3. 1927年底,他带领武装农民进入赣南山区。

    In late 1927 he led the armed peasants into the hills of south Jiangxi .

  4. 赣南W、Sn多金属成矿区划及找矿方向

    Division of W and Sn multimetal mineralization region and its ore-searching direction in South Jiangxi

  5. 赣南&粤西中生代岩浆杂岩与W、Sn、Nb、Ta的成矿

    The Mesozoic Magmatic complexes and mineralization of w , sn , Nb and Ta in South jiangxi-west Guangdong

  6. 赣南全南正长岩的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄及其对华南燕山早期构造背景的制约

    SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of the Quannan syenite , southern Jiangxi : Constraints on the early Yanshanian tectonic setting of SE China

  7. 赣南新构造运动特征明显,NNE向、NW向及EW向构造体系受近东西向应力场作用在局部形成应力集中,并在多组构造交接复合处释放;

    The neotectonics features of that area are very evident . The stress concentrates under the action of the NNE-trending , NW-trending and EW-trending tectonic and releases at the conjunct part of several groups of tectonics .

  8. 赣南中侏罗世玄武岩的Pb-Nd-Sr同位素地球化学研究:中生代地幔源区特征及构造意义

    Pb-Nd-Sr Isotopic Study of the Middle Jurassic Basalts in Southern Jiangxi Province : Characteristics of Mantle Source and Tectonic Implication

  9. 通过对赣南稀土区食谱中稀土分布调查,人体某些健康项目调查及结合动物实验结果分析,估算得稀土区成人的稀土(REO)日摄入量为6。

    From the studies on REE in recipes , on certain health items and on animal experiments in Jiangxi the daily intake of rare earth in adult ( REO ) of6 .

  10. 赣南中侏罗世流纹岩地球化学及成因研究:上地壳成因的的微量元素和Pb-Nd-Sr同位素地球化学制约

    Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the middle Jurassic rhyolite , southern Jiangxi : trace element and Pb-Nd-Sr isotope geochemical constraints on the upper crustal origin

  11. 本文利用赣南地区得天独厚的钨资源和稀土资源优势,通过电沉积的方法研究和制备出一性能优异的可以用来取代硬铬镀层的Ni-W合金,同时减少对环境的污染。

    In this paper , because there are plenty of resource of tungsten and rare earth in south of Jiangxi Province , a Ni-W alloy which has good performance and can be used to replace hard chrome plating was investigated and prepared by electrodeposition which can reduce the environmental pollution .

  12. 调整产业结构增强地勘单位活力&赣南地质调查大队改革见闻

    Readjust the industrial structure and energizing the geological and prospecting units

  13. 浅谈赣南采茶舞中的矮子步

    On Dwarf Step in Gannan Tea - picking Dance CHINESE TEA

  14. 习俗对赣南农村墟市经济的运行也有着保障和导向的影响。

    Customs ensured and influenced the development of Gannan rural markets .

  15. 赣南客家族性潜隐的原因分析

    The Reason for the Latency of Gannan Hakka 's Ethical Nature

  16. 赣南大田重稀土花岗岩的特征与成因

    Characteristics and genesis of the Datian hree granite , southern Jiangxi

  17. 赣南脉钨矿床的某些地球化学特征及地球化学找矿标志

    Geochemical Features and Exploration Guides of the Veined W-Deposits in Southern Jiangxi

  18. 赣南农村市场中的非正式制度与近代社会变迁

    Informal Systems and Social Changes in Gannan Rural Markets in Modern Times

  19. 赣南脐橙花挥发油的化学成分分析

    Chemical Components of Volatile Oil from Orange Blossom Selling Flowers

  20. 赣南遥测数字地震台网监测能力估算

    Evaluation of the earthquake-monitoring capability of South Jiangxi Seismological Network

  21. 赣南中生代火山活动时代及岩浆来源

    The Mesozoic volcanic age and the source of magma in South Jiangxi

  22. 本文主要以赣南客家为例。

    Let the Gannan Hakka Dialect'Taboo is an example in this text .

  23. 赣南树木园科研管理数字化建设初探

    Preliminary Exploration on Digitization Management of Research in Gannan Arboretum

  24. 赣南最早的客家人&宁都赖氏

    The Earliest Hakka in Gannan & Lai Family in Ningdu

  25. 运用卫星像片研究赣南钨矿地质问题

    Satellite photograph study on geological problems in Gannan tungsten deposit

  26. 地理环境与赣南旅游文学旅游文本的符号学翻译研究

    Study of semiotic translation of tourist literature Medium and Literature

  27. 赣南三地绿茶中微量元素含量的测定

    Determination of Seven Microelement in Green Tea of Three Regions in Gannan

  28. 赣南客家山歌女性意识的历史文化渊源

    The Feminine Consciousness of Hakka folk songs in Gannan Area

  29. 关于赣南客家文化研究和利用的几个问题

    Some Issues Studied and Utilized in Gannan 's Hakka Culture

  30. 试论赣南客家竹民俗文化资源及其开发与利用

    Cover South Gan Hakka Folk Cultural Resources and Bamboo Development and Utilization