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shèng xián
  • sages and men of virtue;sage
圣贤 [shèng xián]
  • [sage]圣人与贤人的合称;亦指品德高尚,有超凡才智的人

  • 既加冠,益慕圣贤之道。--明. 宋濂《送东阳马生序》

圣贤[shèng xián]
  1. 圣贤不同的理想追求,影响着各自民族的发展与前景。

    Ideals of sages and men of virtue influence national development .

  2. 圣贤理想境界的实现途径及其现实意义

    Ways for Sages and Men of Virtue to Realize Ideals and the Realistic Significance

  3. 人非圣贤,孰能无过?

    Men are not saints ; how can they be free from faults ?

  4. 那位圣贤向他的朋友提出忠告。

    The sage gave advice to his friends .

  5. 我绝非圣贤。

    I am no saint .

  6. 两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书。

    Both ears are shut to what goes on outside the window ; the whole mind is concentrated on the sages'books . [ said , usu . disapprovingly , of one who is absorbed in study and oblivious of his surroundings ]

  7. 这位奥马哈圣贤(SageofOmaha)不用收取管理费用,就已经比所有人都挣到了更多的钱。

    The Sage of Omaha has made more money than anyone else without charging management fees .

  8. 第五部分主要记叙了《圣贤高士传赞》对后世的影响。

    The fifth part is about the impact on future generations .

  9. 中国古代的圣贤说:狗眼看人低。

    Ancient Chinese sages said : seeing lower in dogs .

  10. 只要奋发向上,人人都可以渐渐达到圣贤的境界。

    We all can gradually learn to become worthies and sages ourselves .

  11. 有多少人是接触过圣贤教育的?

    How many people is contact with the sages education ?

  12. 康德的宗教道德与中国圣贤道德的比较与反思

    Introspection and Comparison of Kant 's Religious Ethics with Chinese Sage Morals

  13. 我年轻时的确热心于和圣贤经常来往。

    Myself when young did eagerly frequent Doctor and Saint .

  14. 古今圣贤,思想家,生态学家崇尚大自然和谐生活的写真。

    Stories and reflections on Nature by the ancients , thinkers and ecologists .

  15. 在这种业务工作中我们不是圣贤。

    We 're not all saints in this business .

  16. 活着就是像傻瓜或圣贤学习。

    Lived and learn from fools and from sages .

  17. 人非圣贤孰能无过;恢复是软件工程学的一部分。

    To err is human ; to recover is part of software engineering .

  18. 分明是强盗,却要装圣贤。

    He is obviously a gangster , but he pretends to be a saint .

  19. 大家都知道,我国古代圣贤都是伟大的道德哲学家。

    As we all know , the great Chinese sages were great moral philosophers .

  20. 圣贤理想境界的共同特征

    The Common Features of Ideals of Sages

  21. 君子不抢别人的东西,圣贤不偷别人的东西。

    We mention that gentleman doesn 't rob others and sage doesn 't steal others .

  22. 许娇容:圣贤书里还有这些混帐话呀。

    Are these bullshit in the book ?

  23. 被赋予了神的启示,觉悟了的圣贤们将会把智慧教导给你。

    The self-realized and holy saint endowed with divine revelation will instruct you in wisdom .

  24. 试析中西文学作品中的圣贤与豪侠

    A brief analysis of the virtuous and the gallant in Chinese and Western literary works

  25. 我不是圣贤,不能解决所有的问题。

    I am not an oracle ; I do not have a solution to everything .

  26. 如果有兴趣,下载后用软件放大看,谢谢!噢,对了,圣贤说过,人之患在好为人师。切记切记。

    If you have interest , you can download software to blow up , thanks !

  27. 第三部分大致介绍了《圣贤高士传赞》的著录、版本和体例情况。

    The third part roughly introduces the records , the version and the style description .

  28. 你可以不圣贤,但你应该道义和人道;

    You can not sage and virtuous man , but you should the righteous and humality ;

  29. 书籍是忠实的镜子,把圣贤英杰的思想反映到我们的头脑中。

    Books are those faithful mirrors that reflect to our minds thoughts of sages and heroes .

  30. 在地球是万金油的性质和盐的圣贤。

    For in earth is the balm of Nature , and the salt of the Sages .