
  • 网络The authority of the Bible;Authority of Scripture
  1. 我们需要更新我们的启示,犯错的惯性、圣经的权威。

    We need to renew our commitment to the inspiration , the infallibility , the inerrancy , and the authority of the Bible .

  2. 圣经的权威不是来自人间作者的才高八斗,而是来自天上作者的属性使然。

    The authority of the Bible comes not from the calibre of its human authors but from the character of its divine Author .

  3. 在教会初期的三、四个世纪,初代教父们所教导的,是一个相当一致的圣经的权威观。

    In the first three to four centuries of the church , the church fathers had taught a fairly consistent view of authority .

  4. 我所要说的是,我们不会要求有宗教争议,不会要求去揭露或者挑战圣经的权威,在这次辩论课题上。

    All I 'm going to ask is that we not appeal to such religious arguments , appeal to revelation or the authority of the Bible , in the course of this argument .

  5. 除了组织特征,在信仰方面,美国新福音派坚信圣经的权威性和真实性,对基督唯一信仰实现个人救赎以及个人精神的皈依。

    In addition to features of organization , in the aspect of faith , American evangelicalism believed that the authority and truth of the Bible , and the only way of personal salvation relied on the belief in Christ .

  6. 建立《圣经》的唯一权威。

    Establish the sole authority of the Bible .

  7. 全备性(足够性)因此,人的意见不可加在《圣经》之上,成为与《圣经》地位同等的权威。

    Thus , no human opinion may be added to Scripture as an authority coordinate with Scripture .