
yán huánɡ
  • Yanhuang;Yan Di and Huang Di, two legendary rulers of remote antiquity
炎黄 [yán huáng]
  • [two emperors in the ancient legend in China,also refer to the ancesters of our Chinese nation] 传说中的我国古代帝王炎帝和黄帝,借指中华民族的祖先

  • 炎黄子孙

  1. 炎黄坚毅的热血,如炽烈的圣火。

    Chinese blood of fortitude , like the burning holy fire .

  2. 中华文明五千年,炎黄大帝是祖先。

    Five thousand years of Chinese civilization , Yanhuang Great ancestors .

  3. 炎黄二帝与华夏族发端

    Emperors Yan and Huang & the Origins of Huaxia Nationality

  4. 最初加入炎黄数据的时候,你们的目标是什么呢?

    When joining phlogistic yellow data at first , what is your target ?

  5. 论炎黄文化与时俱进精神的当代意义

    Expand the Spirit of " developing with the times " of Yan-huang culture

  6. 炎黄数据在奥运年有什么新的目标或计划吗?

    Is phlogistic yellow data in Olympic Games year target or plan are there ?

  7. 论炎黄时代的宗教形态

    Religious Forms in Yan and Huang Ages

  8. 荟萃华夏群籍承钵炎黄流觞&甘肃省图书馆古籍工作掠影中国古代的丛书

    Introduction Summary Work on Ancient Books of Gansu Province Library The Series of Chinese Ancient Books

  9. 传承与开拓&生于70年代国画家展(炎黄艺术馆北京);

    Transformation & Depuration – Chinese Paintings by Artists Born in1970 's Yanhuang Art Museum , Beijing .

  10. 湖北西部是炎黄文化重要的发源地,是华夏多元文化的集中交汇点。

    The west of Hubei is the important cradIe of Yan culture and the crossing point of Chinese culture .

  11. 炎黄时代开创了我国历史的英雄时代,黄帝是我国英雄时代首要的代表人物。

    The era of Emperor Yan opened the Heroic Age in Chinese history , Emperor Huang being its primary representative .

  12. 多少次,炎黄儿女在梦中感受相约奥林匹克圣火的满腔喜悦。

    And time after time , people on this land dreamed in happiness of gathering around the holy Olympic torch .

  13. 自然环境对黄河文明形成的影响&炎黄二帝称谓的内涵与中华文明的诞生

    The Effect of the Huanghe Valley Civilization by Natural Environment & The Connotation of Yan-Huang and Naissance of Chinese Civilization

  14. 欲望在空中炽热地舞蹈&张值与阿克艾尔油画比较展北京炎黄艺术馆;

    Desire is Dancing In the Air & Comparing Exhibition of Zhang Zhi and Arc El , Yanhuang Gallery , Beijing ;

  15. 炎黄文化和黄帝时代为华夏民族的形成和华夏人在亚洲东部地区最早进入文明社会奠定了基础。

    The Yan and Huang culture and the Yellow Emperor era made it possible for the Chinese to enter the earliest social civilization .

  16. 炎黄二帝是中国远古时期的部落首领,是中华民族的人文初祖和远古圣王。

    Yan and huang emperor is Chinese ancient tribal leaders , is the early human ancestors of the Chinese nation and far philosopher king .

  17. 炎黄、“苗蛮”、东夷三大集团除了和平共处外,还有激烈的兼并战争。

    Besides the peaceful co-existence , there were sharp fights among the three groups , i.e.Yan-Huang nation ," Miao-man nation " and the east Yi nation .

  18. 渭水流域是华夏文化的重要源头&论宝鸡地区在炎黄族融合和孕育三代文化中的重要地位

    The Wei River Valley a Major Source of the Chinese Culture The important role that Baoji plays in the merge of Yan and Huang Tribes and the breeding of the three-generation cultures

  19. 汉族从炎黄时期进入农业社会,以儒家思想为核心的炎黄文化代表了亚洲的农业文明,其优秀传统仍是中国实现现代化的根基。

    Han nationality has gotten into the agricultural society since the period of Yellow Emperor . The Yellow culture with Confucian culture represents Asian agricultural civilization , her excellent tradition is the foundation of Chinese modernization .

  20. 从炎黄时代开始,中国服饰就具有了典雅和象征的传统。在其后三千多年的历史进程中,服饰逐渐成为中国社会礼仪系统中一个必不可少的组成部分。

    For over three thousand years , since the period of the Yellow Emperor , Chinese costume has been a tradition of elegance and symbolism , and has evolved into an essential part of the etiquette system in Chinese society .

  21. 因为炎黄二帝具有“共祖”象征作用、文化纽带作用和精神感召作用,所以,炎黄二帝及其创造的文化是中华民族凝聚力形成的情感基础、思想基础和精神基础。

    The two emperors are regarded as the Chinese common ancestry , cultural link and spiritual inspiration , so Emperors Yan and Huang and the culture they helped create are the foundation for the formation of the cohesiveness of the Chinese community .

  22. 他的经学功底相当深厚,不愿抛弃中国封建的传统文化和传统思想,他认为这是不可动摇的精华和炎黄古国之财富,这就造成了他的封建立场和思想。

    He has a profound knowledge of Confucian classics and is not willing to abandon his traditional feudal culture and thinking , which he considers to be the essence and treasure of our country . And this leads to his feudal ideology and standpoint .

  23. 第三,利用集体记忆理论,对炎黄传说形成过程及其本质作了初步分析,结合疑古派成果,认为将炎黄传说作为史前古史框架使用应慎重考虑。

    Third , according to the theory of collective memory , the form process and essence of Yan and Huang legends is analysed , relating the fruits of Doubt Archaic School , the legends of Yan and Huang used as the prehistory frame must be careful .