
  1. 论炎黄时代的宗教形态

    Religious Forms in Yan and Huang Ages

  2. 炎黄时代开创了我国历史的英雄时代,黄帝是我国英雄时代首要的代表人物。

    The era of Emperor Yan opened the Heroic Age in Chinese history , Emperor Huang being its primary representative .

  3. 从炎黄时代开始,中国服饰就具有了典雅和象征的传统。在其后三千多年的历史进程中,服饰逐渐成为中国社会礼仪系统中一个必不可少的组成部分。

    For over three thousand years , since the period of the Yellow Emperor , Chinese costume has been a tradition of elegance and symbolism , and has evolved into an essential part of the etiquette system in Chinese society .

  4. 炎黄文化和黄帝时代为华夏民族的形成和华夏人在亚洲东部地区最早进入文明社会奠定了基础。

    The Yan and Huang culture and the Yellow Emperor era made it possible for the Chinese to enter the earliest social civilization .