
  1. 炎热的午后,喝一口清香的绿茶,不仅清热消暑,还能解毒止渴,实在是夏季养生的上乘之选。

    Hot afternoon , the scent of green tea to drink , not only Qingre heat , but also antidote thirst , it is summer the best choice for health .

  2. 当我们在上个月一个炎热的午后为了这一次人物专访再次坐下来时,我们用十分坦诚的方式开始了我们的谈话。

    And when we sat down again for this profile interview one hot summer afternoon late last month , there was only one way to begin our conversation : with the blatantly obvious .

  3. 炎热的午后,母牛在树下挥动着尾巴;树木把小河点染得这样翠绿一片,让你觉得那只一头扎进水里去的雌红松鸡,应该带着绿色的羽毛冒出水面来。

    The cows swish their tails beneath them on hot afternoons ; they paint rivers so green that when a moorhen dives one expects to see its feathers all green when it comes up again .

  4. 玛莎·华盛顿同我一样喜欢搞恶作剧。记得那年7月一个炎热的午后,有两个小孩儿坐在走廊的台阶上,一个是黑人小姑娘,梳着一束束俏皮的像螺丝锥一样的头发;

    Martha Washington had as great a love of mischief as I. Two little children were seated on the veranda steps one hot July afternoon . One was black as ebony , with little bunches of fuzzy hair tied with shoestrings sticking out all over her head like corkscrews .

  5. 那是个炎热的夏日午后,在医院里,医生说,“我们已经无计可施了。”

    And in a hospital one hot afternoon , doctor said " There 's nothing we can do . "

  6. 炎热迷离的午后万物被炎炎烈日催眠的宁静;

    the hot , drugged midday silence when everything is hypnotised and stilled into silence by the eye of the sun ;

  7. 去商场和电影院度过炎热的夏日午后,并向撰写博客介绍如何勤俭持家的艾琳哈弗斯泰德勒提出了一大堆问题,比如怎么把窗户染黑,减少阳光的照射等。

    burning up hot afternoons in malls and movie theaters ; and bombarding blogger Erin HufiF-stetler , who writes about frugal living , with questions about the merits of tinting their windows dark to block the sun .

  8. 他们添置了吊扇和可编程控温器,去商场和电影院度过炎热的夏日午后,并向撰写博客介绍如何勤俭持家的艾琳·哈弗斯泰德勒提出了一大堆问题,比如怎么把窗户染黑,减少阳光的照射等。

    They 're buying ceiling fans and programmable thermostats ; burning up hot afternoons in malls and movie theaters ; and bombarding blogger Erin Huffstetler , who writes about living , with questions about the merits of tinting their windows dark to block the sun .