
  • 网络deathtrap;The Death Trap
  1. 但这不再是死亡陷阱。

    But it is no longer a deathtrap .

  2. 那些堵住出口的汽车可能使这地方成为死亡陷阱。

    The cars blocking the exits could turn this place into a death trap .

  3. 他碰到我时所乘的那部车是个死亡陷阱。

    The car he met me in was a death trap .

  4. 科林斯堡的研究中心变成慢性消耗病的死亡陷阱。

    The Fort Collins facility became a CWD death trap .

  5. 这完全是一个死亡陷阱,我们必须加以阻止。

    It was a complete death spiral and we had to stop it .

  6. 那个急转弯是开汽车的人的死亡陷阱。

    That sharp bend is a death-trap for motorists .

  7. 随意乱扔的空瓶可能成为一些小生命的死亡陷阱。

    Empty bottles thrown carelessly away can become death traps for small creatures .

  8. 婴儿死亡率开始急剧下降。那个急转弯是开汽车的人的死亡陷阱。

    Infant mortality headed into a steep dive . That sharp bend is a death-trap for motorists .

  9. 这就是那位老人将我从雨篦子的“死亡陷阱”中“拯救”出来之后,我得到的那种美妙的感觉;

    It 's the good feeling I got from being saved from the death trap of the storm drain by the old man ,

  10. 现在想象一下,这个时候,空中一层一层飞着的可就不止是汽车了,而是飞在你上面和下面的一层层死亡陷阱。

    Now , imagine if there was not just one layer of cars , but there was layer after layer of flying metal death traps over top and below you .

  11. 虽然《泰晤士报》和《曼彻斯特卫报》的记者们都视这次采访为“死亡陷阱”,婉拒了随行采访的邀请。然而,丘吉尔却十分渴望前往,后来的事态发展却也证明了他这一决定的错误性。

    Although correspondents for the Times and the Manchester Guardian declined the invitation , describing the train as a " death trap , " Churchill was all too eager to go along . That turned out to be a mistake .