
  • 网络Death Door
  1. 凡门均可闭,唯有死门开。

    Every door may be shut , but death 's door .

  2. 他们心里厌恶各样的食物,就临近死门。

    They loathed all food and drew near the gates of death .

  3. 你在一个地牢里,地牢有两扇门,其中一扇是生门,另一扇是死门。

    You 're in a dungeon with two doors . One leads to escape , the other to execution .

  4. 那么,这个问题该怎么问,才能知道哪扇是生门,哪扇是死门,从而死里逃生?

    So what single question can you ask one of them that will enable you to figure out which door is which and make your escape ?

  5. 我的意思并不是说,一根钉死在门上的门钉有什麽特别之处,至少就我所知是没有。

    I don 't mean to say that I know , of my own knowledge , what there is particularly dead about a doornail .

  6. 当天早上八点半左右,维里恩·皮尤发现他的宠物猫“萨里B”死在了门前的台阶上。

    Willien Pugh found his beloved cat , Sally B , dying at his doorstep at around 8:30 that morning .

  7. 饿狗死在主人门前

    A dog starved at his master 's gate

  8. 死亡的门给你开启过吗?你见过死影之门吗?

    Have the gates of death been opened to thee , and hast thou seen the darksome doors ?

  9. 死亡的门曾向你显露吗?死荫的门你曾见过吗?

    Have the doors of death been open to you , or have the door-keepers of the dark ever seen you ?

  10. 整座城市正在剥落、衰退,仿若家道中落的大宅后面上锁的房间,因维修过于昂贵,倒不如把门钉死,忘却门后陈旧的宝藏——这就是威尼斯。

    The whole town is peeling and fading like those suites of rooms that once-rich families will barricade away in the backs of their mansions when it gets too expensive to keep the maintenance up and it 's easier to just nail the doors shut and forget about the dying treasures on the other side - this is Venice .