
  • 网络Necromancer;Necrolyte;necro;Rotund'jere
  1. 从黑暗中窜出一个死灵法师。

    From out of the darkness a Necromancer has come .

  2. 他按她的安排指挥他的船与船员,为了死灵法师无论如何都不希望发生的一些事。

    He had put his ship and his crew at her disposal , something the necromancer would not have expected from any person .

  3. 他们说有死灵法师住在多尔哥多。

    They speak of a Necromancer living in Dol Guldur .

  4. 死灵法师尽量让自己的声音不带期待。

    The necromancer tried to keep the anticipation out of her voice .

  5. 现在你确定是死灵法师?

    Now a Necromancer . Are you sure ?

  6. 杜丁曾是名年轻的死灵法师学徒。

    Dutin was once a necromancer apprentice .

  7. 有凡人魔法师自称是死灵法师并住在荒废堡垒中。

    And a human sorcerer who calls himself " The Necromancer " has taken up residence in a ruined fortress .

  8. 本尼最近出演了《模仿游戏》,在电影中扮演著名的数学家兼逻辑学家艾伦图灵,而马上就要上映的《霍比特人:五军之战》中扮演史矛革和死灵法师。

    Cumberbatch most recently starred in The Imitation Game , playing famed mathematician and logician Alan Turing , and will soon be seen in The Hobbit : The Army of the Five Armies as Smaug and the Necromancer .

  9. 它显得如此真实的部分原因不只是康伯巴奇在配音上的天分(他也为《死灵法师》配音),也因为他充分利用了前沿计算机技术。

    Part of the reason why he appears so real isn 't just because Cumberbatch has such a great talent for voices ( he also voiced the Necromancer ) , but because he made great use of cutting edge CGI technology .