
zào wù nònɡ rén
  • 熟语be a sport of fate
  1. 造物弄人,安的丈夫比尔也患上了那种病。

    In a cruel twist of fate , Ann 's husband Bill is also suffering from the disease .

  2. 众生平等,造物弄人。

    All living beings , the creator lane .

  3. 造物弄人,演成悲局,使他神魂震悚,烦乱欲狂,并且坐在那里的那个人,又恰是他自己的化身!那个受审判的人,大家都叫他做冉阿让!

    And by a tragic play of destiny which made all his ideas tremble , and rendered him nearly mad , it was another self of his that was there ! all called that man who was being tried Jean Valjean .