
zào xíng shī
  • Stylist;Makeup Artist;Shaper
  1. 她现在是作家兼时尚造型师。

    She is now a writer and fashion stylist .

  2. 举个例子,为了让图片上的汉堡包看起来很美味,食物造型师会在面包上用胶水整齐有序地粘上一粒粒芝麻。

    For example , to make a photo of a hamburger that looks delicious , food stylist may use glue to cover the bun methodically with sesame seeds .

  3. 他要求造型师比尔·科森(BillCorso)改变卡瑞尔的外貌。

    He charged the makeup designer Bill Corso with the task of altering Mr. Carell 's look .

  4. 完成法律文书后,我们和造型师Julie一同前往新娘的房间开始做发型和化妆。

    Once the legal paperwork is finished , we go to the Brides room to commence hair and makeup styling with Julie .

  5. 当时被誉为金发之王(KingofBlondes)的一位曼哈顿造型师给我做了头发挑染,我本身的自然发色就像一只毫无生气的老鼠。

    I had a Manhattan stylist renowned as the ' King of Blondes ' highlight my hair , whose natural color suggests a particularly lackluster mouse .

  6. 王薇薇:在红毯装上我更像是一个造型师——就和伊迪丝•海德(EdithHead)一样——衣服必须反映明星的气质。

    Vera Wang : In red carpet I am more of a wardrober ─ like Edith Head ─ a wardrobe designer , where it has to be reflective of the star .

  7. 造型师Julie首先用电热卷把Angela的头发电卷,然后以柔和的中性色调妆,浅粉红色的眼影和唇彩。

    First Julie puts Angelas hair in hot rollers and then she prepares her face with soft neutral toned makeup , with a light pink accent on the eyes and lips .

  8. 在这段视频中,专业秀发造型师HollyKiernan向你展示如何用鸡蛋来护理头发。

    In this step by step guide Holly Kiernan , professional hair stylist , shows you how to use it .

  9. 希腊裔美国人、摄影师兼造型师卡利俄珀·卡尔沃尼斯(CalliopeKarvounis)新开的精品店,主打波西风情服装和饰品。

    Greek-American photographer and stylist Calliope Karvounis just opened a boutique that sells boho-chic clothing and accessories .

  10. 选择一处仅仅一处身体的某部分并展现出来设计师詹娜费舍尔和安吉丽娜朱莉的造型师JenRade建议道。

    Choose one only one body part and show it off , advises Jen Rade , stylist to Jenna Fischer and Angelina Jolie .

  11. 甚至像美国南加州的SouthCoastPlaza购物中心等不太知名的企业也增加了新的支付服务内容以及配备了会说普通话的礼宾员,以便中国游客能用他们本国的信用卡付款并能获得个人造型师以中文提供的建议。

    Even lesser-known businesses like the South Coast Plaza shopping mall in southern California have started adding payment services and Mandarin-speaking concierges so that Chinese travelers can pay with their country 's credit cards and get advice from personal stylists in their own language .

  12. 造型师、服装设计师萨尔·佩雷斯(SalPerez)在电影《完美音调2》(PitchPerfect2)中为女演员里贝尔·威尔森(RebelWilson)设计造型,他必须为她的角色找够20套服装。

    When Sal Perez , a stylist and costume designer , was dressing the actress Rebel Wilson for her role in the movie " Pitch Perfect 2 , " he had to find clothes for 20 outfit changes .

  13. 造型师、服装设计师萨尔·佩雷斯(SalPerez)在电影《完美音调2》(PitchPerfect2)中为女演员里贝尔·威尔森(RebelWilson)设计造型,他必须为她的角色找够20套服装。

    When Sal Perez , a stylist and costume designer , was dressing the actress Rebel Wilson for her role in the movie Pitch Perfect 2 , he had to find clothes for 20 outfit changes .

  14. 倍耐力(Pirelli)的2015年历中有大码模特坎迪丝·赫法恩(CandiceHuffine),摄影师是史蒂文·梅塞(StevenMeisel),造型师是卡琳·洛菲德(CarineRoitfeld)。

    The 2015 Pirelli calendar , shot by Steven Meisel and styled by Carine Roitfeld , included the plus-size model Candice Huffine .

  15. 戈德法布解释道:Ipsy的造型师也会受益于这一安排中得利。

    Ipsy 's stylists stand to gain from this arrangement as well , Goldfarb explains .

  16. 去年10月,在《Elle》中国版担任高级时尚编辑六年多之后,叶子离开那里,开始自己做造型师和时尚顾问。

    Ms. Greener left Elle China last October after more than six years as senior fashion editor to strike out on her own as a stylist and fashion consultant .

  17. 至少有一位造型师谴责了这种新标准,那就是安妮塔·帕特里克森(AnitaPatrickson)。她曾担任模特夏奈尔·伊曼(ChanelIman)和女演员朱莉安娜·霍夫(JulianneHough)的造型师。

    At least one stylist , Anita Patrickson , who has worked with the model Chanel Iman and the actress Julianne Hough , decried this new standard .

  18. 2004年,碧昂丝和她的母亲、造型师蒂娜?诺里斯创建了自己的时装品牌HouseofDereon,这一品牌主要将嘻哈风格与蕾丝和褶边等具有女性特点的东西融合在了一起。

    Beyonce has her own fashion line ," House of Dereon ," that mixes hip hop influences with feminine touches like lace and ruffles that she launched with her mother , stylist Tina Knowles , in2004 .

  19. 为了证明这次是真的,这位28岁的女演员放了一张她在她的造型师ChristineSymonds的椅子上的照片,并且配了文字:开始剪喽!

    Proving this time it was the real deal , the 28-year-old actress shared a photo from her stylist Christine Symonds ' chair , which she captioned : ' Here we go !

  20. 2004年,碧昂丝和她的母亲、造型师蒂娜•诺里斯创建了自己的时装品牌HouseofDereon,这一品牌主要将嘻哈风格与蕾丝和褶边等具有女性特点的东西融合在了一起。

    Beyonce has her own fashion line , " House of Dereon , " that mixes hip hop influences with feminine touches like lace and ruffles that she launched with her mother , stylist Tina Knowles , in 2004 .

  21. 日本一家发廊从毫不起眼的番茄身上获得了时尚灵感,改写了前沿的定义:造型师Hiro设计了一款熟番茄发型。

    A Japanese hair salon is rewriting the meaning of cutting edge after taking fashion inspiration from the humble tomato : stylist Hiro has designed a hairdo called Ripe Tomatoes .

  22. 她在中国的时尚影响力如此之大,香奈儿(Chanel)、路易威登(LouisVuitton)和浪凡(Lanvin)等品牌已经主动跟她联系(叶子担任这些品牌的顾问或造型师),越来越多的品牌在争夺她的关注。

    Her fashion influence in China is such that brands like Chanel , Louis Vuitton and Lanvin have come calling ( Ms. Greener consults or styles for them ) and emerging brands vie for her attention .

  23. 当轻声细语的造型师吹干乌黑发亮的毛发时,幸福洋溢在Lalo的脸上。

    BLISS spreads across Lalo 's face as his glossy black locks are blown dry by cooing stylists .

  24. 王薇薇:在红毯装上我更像是一个造型师就和伊迪丝•海德(EdithHead)一样衣服必须反映明星的气质。要看他们的长相,他们的个性、体型以及当晚他们想表现什么。

    Vera Wang : In red carpet I am more of a wardrober ─ like Edith Head ─ a wardrobe designer , where it has to be reflective of the star . Their look , their personality , their body type and what they 're trying to express that night .

  25. 我们纵观全球最有型的体坛明星在登上GQ封面、做模特表演之前的样子,幕后的造型师团队确实将他们打造成了流行风尚标。

    We took a look through the archives and found photos of what the world 's most stylish athletes looked like before GQ covers , modeling gigs , and teams of stylists turned them into fashion icons .

  26. 日本一家发廊从毫不起眼的番茄身上获得了时尚灵感,改写了“前沿”的定义:造型师Hiro设计了一款“熟番茄”发型。

    A Japanese hair salon is rewriting the meaning of " cutting edge " after taking fashion inspiration from the humble tomato : stylist Hiro has designed a hairdo called " Ripe Tomatoes " 。

  27. 然而,无论你把它想象得多么的完美,这份职业还是存在其弊端,“这是一项异常艰巨的工作,”《Elle》杂志中文版造型师陈倩珠说。

    It 's not , however , without its downside , no matter how great you may think it is ," It 's incredibly hard work ," said Chen Qianzhu , a stylist at the Chinese version of Elle magazine .

  28. 著名造型师尼克·伍斯特(NickWooster)认为,纽约男装周是男装业早该举办的活动。这并不奇怪,因为这个行业对客户人群的改变和社会变迁的反应远不够快。

    For Nick Wooster , the influential stylist , New York Fashion Week : Men 's was a long overdue step taken by an industry that , not atypically , was far from swift in reacting to demographic and social change .

  29. 后来凯夫遇到了时尚造型师薇薇安·卡耐罗(VivianeCarneiro),接下来的三年,两人在巴西的圣保罗度过。

    Cave spent the next three years in S & # 227 ; o Paulo , Brazil , where he moved after meeting the fashion stylist Viviane Carneiro .

  30. 于是我们直接联系了电影的服装设计AriannePhillips,她是麦当娜的造型师哦,最近麦姐的四场巡回服饰都是她的主意。

    We went straight to the source to find out & the film 's costume designer , Arianne Phillips ( who you may know as Madonna 's stylist and the brains behind the outfits on her last four tours !) .