
  1. 中国特殊历史原因造成的股权分割、AB股交易制度异化;

    With the special historical background in China created a dispersion in shareholdings and burst trading system alienation of AB 's ;

  2. 股权分割、公司业绩与投资者保护

    Share Splitting , Company Achievements and Protection for Investors

  3. 家族企业股权分割清晰能显著提高企业绩效;

    The clear ownership structure in family businesses can improve their performance remarkably ;

  4. 笔者认为有必要结合相关法律规定和实务难题,对离婚诉讼中股权分割问题进行探讨。

    The author thinks that it is necessary to discusses divorce proceedings in the stock right segmentation problem by combining relevant legal provisions and practical problems .

  5. 而由于股权分割,换股并购在中国也缺乏现实的操作基础。

    Furthermore , merger and acquisition by means of the exchange of shares also lacks operational basis in reality in China because of the segregation of stock ownership .

  6. 但我们还必须看到,证券市场这十几年的发展在取得巨大成就的同时,也还存在一些问题,如额度控制、股权分割、市场参与限制等。

    But we must see , there are many problems as we achieve success in China 's securities market , such as quantity controlled , stock divided and entry restricted .

  7. 本文主要就离婚中夫妻共有股权分割的问题展开讨论。

    And the partition of jointly owned property is mainly focused on segmentation of real estate , equity , etc. This thesis will expand the discussion around the problem of matrimonial equity segmentation in divorce .

  8. 实证研究表明:在我国股权分割的特殊背景下,控股股东个体利益最大化是影响公司非理性分红的重要因素。

    Our empirical study shows that the largest shareholders ' pursuit of profit maximization is the major factor to influence the irrational dividend pay-out of the listed company under the special background of ownership splitting .

  9. 上市公司在上市后的经营业绩整体呈逐年加速下滑趋势,而股权分割的差异对该趋势无显著的影响。

    And that the managing achievement , as a whole , of companies after listing shows the trend toward accelerated yearly slowdown , while the difference in share splitting has no obvious impact on this trend .

  10. 首先,由于国外证券市场起步较早,发展时间较长,证券市场比国内要规范得多,像股份不流通、股权分割等问题在西方市场是不存在的。

    Firstly , because the overseas securities markets started earlier , development for a long time , compared to regulate domestic securities markets , as shares not circulation , equity division problems in the western market does not exist .

  11. 因此,股权分割现象加剧了控股股东的隧道挖掘行为,扭曲了控股股东的持股比例与公司价值之间的关系,减持国有股可以提高公司价值。

    The phenomenon of share-dividing will increase controlling share-holders ' " tunnel-digging " behavior , distort a relationship between the proportion of shares by the controlling share-holders and the value of companies , and , therefore , reducing state-owned shares can raise the value of the companies .

  12. 在离婚案件中,解除婚姻关系不再是案件的主要矛盾,问题主要集中于夫妻共同财产的分割和子女抚养问题,而夫妻共同财产的分割则主要集中于房产、股权的分割等。

    In the divorce cases , dissolution of marriage is no longer the principal contradiction of the case , the problem is mainly concentrated in the partition of jointly owned property and child support issues .

  13. 我国股票市场的市盈率由于上市公司股权的分割而高企,而高企的市盈率会对今后股票市场及经济的稳定发展产生消极的影响。

    In our stock market , the average price-earning ratio is so high because of the separated stock equity of listed companies . Such high price-earning ratio can give rise to negative influence on the stable development of future stock market and economy .

  14. 首先对股权是否可以分割转让进行了探讨。

    Firstly , equity can split transfer are discussed .

  15. 对于夫妻共有股权的其他形式的分割即夫妻双方未就股权分割达成协议的情况下如何分割为给予明确规定,仍有讨论的必要。

    For community shares of other forms of division that is both sides of husband and wife is not equity division to reach an agreement how to split to give specific provision , there are still necessary to discuss .

  16. 通过分析认为上市公司股权结构问题的主要矛盾在于股权的流通性分割,因此股权结构优化的第一步应该是股权流通性问题的改革。

    Through the analysis , we consider the mainly contradiction on EOS problem is the circulation division of equity , so the first step of the optimization of EOS is the revolution on circulation problem of equity .