
ɡǔ piào xuǎn zé quán
  • stock option;share option
  1. 什麽是股票选择权?它们会对股东权益产生哪些影响?

    What are stock options ? How do they affect stockholders'equity ?

  2. 可口可乐公司将改变股票选择权价值计算方式

    Coca-Cola to Change the Way the Stock Options Are Treated

  3. 你在合约里有股票选择权吗?

    Do you get stock options in your contract ?

  4. 开始了解股票选择权会计。

    Begin to understand the accounting for stock options .

  5. 股票选择权是激励员工更努力工作的好方法。

    Stock options are a good way to motivate employees to work harder .

  6. 员工股票选择权可以向你提供相当的收入来源,并准许延期玉

    Employee stock options can provide you with a substantial source of deferred income an

  7. 不过美国国会拒绝参议员马侃所提股票选择权必须被列为赔偿金的建议。

    However , the US Congress rejected Senator McCain 's proposal that stock options be treated as compensation .

  8. 股票选择权不像薪水和健保等福利,公司通常不会将分发给主管与员工的股票选择权列为支出。

    Unlike salaries and health insurance benefits , stock options issued to the chief executives and employees are usually not treated by the company as expenses .

  9. 这种做法后来被称为“格林斯潘对策”(greenspanput),借用了允许投资者以固定价格卖出股票的选择权这种说法。

    This came to be referred to as the " Greenspan put " , a reference to options that allow investors to sell a stock for a fixed price .

  10. 关于第85号购货确认书,请尽快装船。购买股票的选择权和认股书

    With regard to purchase confirmation no. 85 , please ship the goods as soon as possible . options and warrants

  11. 再加上奖金,长期的奖励措施,养老金,以及股票选择购买权,他一年收入将为8.6百万英磅。

    But add on bonuses , long-term incentives , pension contributions and shares options , he could earn as much as 8.6 million pounds a year .

  12. 股票购买选择权是一种协议,它赋予投资者在一定期限内按协定的价格购买或出售一顶数目股票的权利。

    Stock option is an agreement that gives the investor the right to buy or sell a specific stock at a preset price during a certain time period .

  13. 认股权证是一种能够按特定价格买入某一上市公司发行股票的选择权凭证。

    Stock purchase warrant is a kind of document of optional right that enables the stockholder to bid for the issue shares of a certain listed company at a given price .

  14. 你的雇主可能不会每周给你增加薪水,而是通过其他方法增加你的收入,例如增加福利,股票认购选择权,或者给你更多假期。

    Instead of handing over more cash each week , your employer may offer other ways to increase your earnings by adding benefits , stock options , or they may simply give you more time off .

  15. 该公司还拥有再发行1.137亿股现有股票的超额配售选择权,这将使其筹资总额扩大至15亿美元。

    There is also an over-allotment option for the company to sell an extra 113.7m existing shares , bringing the total amount raised to $ 1.5bn .

  16. 美国总统布希上周建议股票市场要求上市公司发行股票选择权必须获得股东的同意。

    Last week , US President Bush proposed that the stock market should require public-traded companies obtain approval from shareholders before issuing stock options .

  17. 股票期权激励机制授予异质型人才在未来某一特定日期以事先约定的价格购买一定数量本公司股票的选择权。

    Stock option encouragement gives talents the right to buy an amount of options at a fixed price .