
  • 网络Equity Linked Instruments;ELN;Eli
  1. 可换股债券、股票挂钩票据、股票挂钩投资不会有一个流通的第二市场。

    There is no liquid secondary market for Convertible Bonds , Equity Linked Notes or Equity Linked Investments .

  2. 瑞银施许怡敏表示,客户对“普通期权、股票挂钩票据、双币与利率工具的兴趣显著复苏”,并且,由于一些对冲基金与私人股本公司暂停赎回,他们也更加重视流动性。

    MS Shih of UBS reports " a marked revival of interest in plain vanilla options , equity-linked notes , and dual currency and interest rate instruments " , and an increased focus on liquidity in response to the suspension of redemptions by several hedge funds and private equity firms .